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Asset Protection Planning for Seniors
ISBN: 9780595457779 / Angielski / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. As the Baby Boomer generation ages and the sandwich generation is stressed between caring for children and caring for parents, questions are cropping up all across the nation: How can I protect the nest egg I've worked so hard to create? What happens to my assets if I die unexpectedly? Will I be able to afford long-term care?
In "Asset Protection Planning for Seniors," attorney Michael A. Babiarz shares numerous examples of the real-life problems that aging Americans face today. This is not another confusing form book or technical manual. "Asset Protection Planning for Seniors" is a... As the Baby Boomer generation ages and the sandwich generation is stressed between caring for children and caring for parents, questions are cropping ...
72,98 zł |
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Asset Protection Planning for Seniors
ISBN: 9780595696758 / Angielski / Twarda / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. As the Baby Boomer generation ages and the sandwich generation is stressed between caring for children and caring for parents, questions are cropping up all across the nation: How can I protect the nest egg I've worked so hard to create?What happens to my assets if I die unexpectedly?Will I be able to afford long-term care?
In "Asset Protection Planning for Seniors," attorney Michael A. Babiarz shares numerous examples of the real-life problems that aging Americans face today. This is not another confusing form book or technical manual. "Asset Protection Planning for Seniors" is a simple,... As the Baby Boomer generation ages and the sandwich generation is stressed between caring for children and caring for parents, questions are cropping ...
116,03 zł |
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Equipment for Older or Disabled People and the Law
ISBN: 9781853023521 / Angielski / Miękka / 600 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This comprehensive book explains the provision, both law and practice, of equipment and home adaptations to assist older or disabled people in daily living. Characterised by ill-defined statutory responsibilities and terminology, and an under-developed consumer retail market, the system of provision has long been recognised as chaotic and confusing for professionals and public alike. This is despite the fact that equipment and adaptations are meant to be a central plank of community care. Necessarily wide-ranging but maintaining its focus, the book aims critically to describe the system and...
This comprehensive book explains the provision, both law and practice, of equipment and home adaptations to assist older or disabled people in daily l...
218,35 zł |
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Legal Aspects of Elder Care
ISBN: 9780763756321 / Angielski / Twarda / 356 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A Wide Variety Of Legal Issues Surround Caring For Older Individuals. Health And Human Service Practioners Need To Plan, Provide And Evaluate Geriatric Care, While Also Understanding Public Policies. Legal Knowledge Is An Essential Part Of Caring For The Elderly. Students And Professionals Must Be Able To Deliver Appropriate Care While Also Being Aware Of Any Legal, Ethical And Political Issues That May Arise. Legal Aspects Of Elder Care Provides A Clear Overview Of Geriatric Policies And Laws, Enabling The Reader To Use Informed Decision-Making With Older Clients.
A Wide Variety Of Legal Issues Surround Caring For Older Individuals. Health And Human Service Practioners Need To Plan, Provide And Evaluate Geriatri...
910,05 zł |
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Ettinger on Elder Law Estate Planning
ISBN: 9781453832059 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. "Elder Law Estate Planning" is a niche area of law which combines the features of elder law and estate planning that pertain most to the needs of the middle class. In 1991, AARP published a "Consumer Report on Probate" concluding that probate was a process to be avoided. That marked the end of traditional will planning and started the "living trust revolution." Since then, millions of people have set up trusts to: * Save time and money in settling the estate * Avoid legal guardianship if they become disabled * Avoid having their personal and financial matters made public * Reduce the chance...
"Elder Law Estate Planning" is a niche area of law which combines the features of elder law and estate planning that pertain most to the needs of the ...
112,78 zł |
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Oregon Elder Law: Elder law, estate planning, and probate in plain language
ISBN: 9780982456422 / Angielski / Miękka / 136 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This lightly edited collection of posts from Orrin R. Onken's, Oregon Elder Law blog addresses the questions clients most often ask lawyers who practice elder law in Oregon. Written in plain language, the book gives honest practical answers about wills and trusts, powers of attorney, and the court proceedings used to protect disabled elders. The articles discuss in detail the lawyers, the professionals, and the government agencies that interact in the legal proceedings that precede the appointment of a guardian or conservator for an adult. In addition to discussions of estate planning, joint...
This lightly edited collection of posts from Orrin R. Onken's, Oregon Elder Law blog addresses the questions clients most often ask lawyers who practi...
44,97 zł |
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How Veterans' Benefits Can Pay the Costs of Long Term Care: The Veteran's Guide to Protecting You and Your Family From Devastating Long Term Care Cost
ISBN: 9781463534158 / Angielski / Miękka / 82 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. IN THIS GAME-CHANGING BOOK BY DAVIS NELSON, GEORGIA VA BENEFITS & MEDICAID PLANNING ATTORNEY, YOU'LL DISCOVER: How VA benefits can make it possible to remain at home rather than enter a nursing home Why VA benefits can be better than Medicaid for some veteran households How the VA can help cover assisted living costs How to make VA benefits and Medicaid work together to better your quality of life Why you should apply for your VA assistance as early as possible How children of veterans can use VA benefits to preserve an inheritance while improving their parents' lives Why more than 95% of...
76,62 zł |
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Metody prawnicze
ISBN: 9788374443517 / Polski / Twarda / 301 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Spór o metodę w XIX i XX-wiecznej filozofii i teorii prawa
Logika Analiza Argumentacja Hermeneutyka Metody prawnicze z perspektywy ponowoczesnej filozofii prawa Spór o metodę w XIX i XX-wiecznej filozofii i teorii prawa
Logika Analiza Argumentacja Hermeneutyka Metody prawnicze z perspekty... |
46,55 zł |
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Wstęp do socjologicznej teorii własności
ISBN: 9788374590235 / Polski / Twarda / 324 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Do niedawna własność nie była przedmiotem odrębnych, godnych uwagi opracowań socjologicznych, chociaż znaczenia własności nie sposób przecenić. Z tego choćby powodu książka Michała Kaczmarczyka, młodego socjologa, który w swoim dorobku ma już kilka znaczących publikacji, zasługuje na wyjątkową uwagę i zainteresowanie. l trzeba przyznać, że Autor sowicie odwzajemnia ciekawość poznawczą i oczekiwania czytelnika. Nie prowadzi go jednak prostą drogą po wydeptanych ścieżkach standardowych opracowań poświęconych własności, mimo że nazwiska, które przywołuje w...
Do niedawna własność nie była przedmiotem odrębnych, godnych uwagi opracowań socjologicznych, chociaż znaczenia własności nie sposób przecen...
29,93 zł |
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Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego
ISBN: 9788376201924 / Polski / Miękka ze skrzydełka / 696 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego Juliusza Bardacha, Bogusława Leśnodorskiego, Michała Pietrzaka to sprawdzony podręcznik, który od ponad 30 lat służy studentom wydziałów prawa, historii oraz pokrewnych kierunków studiów. Obecne wydanie – uzupełnione przez prof. Michała Pietrzaka oraz zespół naukowców – obejmuje dzieje ustroju społeczno-politycznego i prawa Polski od ich zarania aż do końca XX wieku.
Szerokie ujęcie historii przez doświadczonych profesorów, którzy barwnie i w uporządkowany sposób zdołali zmieścić w jednym tomie także historię życia... Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego Juliusza Bardacha, Bogusława Leśnodorskiego, Michała Pietrzaka to sprawdzony podręcznik, który od ponad 30 lat...
71,25 zł |
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7 Steps To Keep Your Loved One Safe In A Nursing Home ...: And What To Do If Injured
ISBN: 9781478344599 / Angielski / Miękka / 86 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Brad's passion for nursing home abuse cases stems from a personal tragedy that happened to a member of his family. Brad's goal in his work and for this book is to prevent the same type of tragedy from happening to others. This step by step guide provides practical guidance for families with relatives in nursing homes.
Brad's passion for nursing home abuse cases stems from a personal tragedy that happened to a member of his family. Brad's goal in his work and for thi...
67,58 zł |
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La Persona de Edad Avanzada En El Ordenamiento Jurídico: Andragogía, Derechos Y Prerrogativas Especiales
ISBN: 9781475084955 / Hiszpański / Miękka / 624 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Manual sobre la jurisprudencia, derechos y prerrogativas especiales de las personas de edad avanzada en el ordenamiento juridico de Puerto Rico. Contiene un capitulo sobre andragogia y la legislacion dedicada a la educacion de adultos a partir del reconocimiento constitucional de la misma como derecho fundamental de la persona."
Manual sobre la jurisprudencia, derechos y prerrogativas especiales de las personas de edad avanzada en el ordenamiento juridico de Puerto Rico. Conti...
180,58 zł |
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Death Without Dignity: America's Longest and Most Expensive Criminal Trial
ISBN: 9781482592474 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The case of State of Texas vs. Autumn Hills Nursing Homes, Inc. went to trial in a borrowed San Antonio courtroom 25 years ago. It matched a Texas dream team for the defense including Roy Minton, Tom Sartwelle, Mike Ramsey, and Roy Barrera Sr. against a determined (some would say obsessed) young assistant attorney general, David Marks, and his backup team from the state. The jury heard six months of horrifying testimony about catastrophic medical failure when corporate greed trumps medical care. Death Without Dignity is their story, told by a journalist who was allowed the exceedingly rare...
The case of State of Texas vs. Autumn Hills Nursing Homes, Inc. went to trial in a borrowed San Antonio courtroom 25 years ago. It matched a Texas dre...
63,28 zł |
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How To Select A Nursing Home For A Loved One
ISBN: 9781478344636 / Angielski / Miękka / 118 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Brad's passion for nursing home abuse cases stems from a personal tragedy that happened to a member of his family. Brad's goal in his work and for this book is to prevent the same type of tragedy from happening to others.
Brad's passion for nursing home abuse cases stems from a personal tragedy that happened to a member of his family. Brad's goal in his work and for thi...
67,58 zł |
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The Caregiver's Legal Guide Planning for a Loved One with Chronic Illness: Inside Strategies to Plan for Medicaid, Veterans Benefits and Long-Term Car
ISBN: 9781599324180 / Angielski / Miękka / 134 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Insider Strategies to Plan for Medicaid, Veterans Benefits and Long-term Care and How to Help Your Loved One to Live With Peace and Dignity The Caregiver s Legal Guide to Caring for a Loved One with Chronic Illness was written by a Certified Elder Law Attorney to help seniors, veterans and their families navigate the long-term care legal maze. Inside you will find tips, tricks, and legal strategies to help protect the quality of life and resources for a loved one who is suffering from a chronic illness, such as Alzheimer s, Dementia, Parkinson s, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington s Disease, or...
Insider Strategies to Plan for Medicaid, Veterans Benefits and Long-term Care and How to Help Your Loved One to Live With Peace and Dignity The Caregi...
64,53 zł |
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Towards Human Rights in Residential Care for Older Persons: International Perspectives
ISBN: 9780415725552 / Angielski / Twarda / 230 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. People are leading significantly longer lives than previous generations did, and the proportion of older people in the population is growing. Residential care for older people will become increasingly necessary as our society ages and, we will require more of it. At this moment in time, the rights of older people receive attention at international and regional levels, with the United Nations, the Organization of American States and the African Union exploring the possibility of establishing new conventions for the rights of older persons. This book explores the rights... People are leading significantly longer lives than previous generations did, and the proportion of older people in the population is growin... |
778,05 zł |
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Embracing Elderhood: Planning for the Next Stage of Life
ISBN: 9780990649700 / Angielski / Miękka / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Finally A practical guide to walk you through the process of planning for a longer life. Using her years of experience as an Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney, and the personal lessons she learned walking her own parents through this process, Laurie Menzies explains, in practical terms, the best way to plan for this stage of life. You may be asking questions like: "Who will care for me?," "Where will I live?" and "Will I have enough money?" Unfortunately, many families either ignore the need for planning, only to "stumble through" a fragmented, confusing system that often leaves them...
Finally A practical guide to walk you through the process of planning for a longer life. Using her years of experience as an Elder Law and Estate Pla...
105,83 zł |
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Caring Responsibilities in European Law and Policy: Who Cares?
ISBN: 9780415529716 / Angielski / Twarda / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Historically the care of children and family members has been perceived as a private issue, a personal choice provided informally within the family, and accordingly has been ignored by legislators who has focused instead on the leave and time provisions in employment law. However, demographic transition, changes in the workplace and the new fluid model of families, together with the massive presence of women in paid employment mean that traditional informal arrangements are no longer feasible. The process of, have resulted in an increase in the number of people who need care whilst there... Historically the care of children and family members has been perceived as a private issue, a personal choice provided informally within the family... |
700,25 zł |
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Historia powszechna ustroju i prawa w.5
ISBN: 9788325569884 / Polski / Miękka / 800 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Książka Historia powszechna ustroju i prawa uwzględnia dzieje historii ustroju państw europejskich, ale także obu Ameryk w ujęciu nowatorskim i bardziej uniwersalnym od dotychczas proponowanych.
Opracowanie podzielone jest na pięć części obejmujących: Starożytność, średniowiecze, czasy wczesnonowożytne, późnonowożytne oraz współczesne od 1945 r. Książka Historia powszechna ustroju i prawa uwzględnia dzieje historii ustroju państw europejskich, ale także obu Ameryk w ujęciu nowatorskim i ...
94,05 zł |
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International and Comparative Law on the Rights of Older Persons
ISBN: 9781600422508 / Angielski / Miękka / 634 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book addresses the rights of older persons from an international law and comparative law perspective. These chapters reflect the scholarly presentations which were presented at The 21st Annual Belle R. and Joseph H. Braun Memorial Symposium: 2014 International Elder Law & Policy Conference. The conference was held at The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois, on July 10-11, 2014, and was co-sponsored by The John Marshall Law School, Roosevelt University of Chicago, and The East China University of Political Science and Law of Shanghai, China. The conference provided a forum for...
This book addresses the rights of older persons from an international law and comparative law perspective. These chapters reflect the scholarly presen...
427,89 zł |