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Health and the Law: A Primer for Health Professionals
ISBN: 9780029059609 / Angielski / Miękka / 468 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This outstanding text and reference provides health professionals & students with a balanced, comprehensive, highly readable survey of the legal concepts and controversies affecting them today. Avoiding unnecessarily technical language, it lucidly explains basic legal principles and theories, examines current issues and their implications, and probes future legal trends. Throughout, each chapter offers a complete, self-contained introdu ction to a medicolegal topic--including invaluable endnotes that cite references, clarify perspectives, and suggest further readings. A unique appendix... This outstanding text and reference provides health professionals & students with a balanced, comprehensive, highly readable survey of the legal co... |
96,32 zł |
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Human Rights and Public Health in the AIDS Pandemic
ISBN: 9780195114423 / Angielski / Twarda / 232 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A penetrating analysis of the close relationship between public health and human rights, this book makes a compelling case for synergy between the two fields. Using the AIDS pandemic as a lens, the authors demonstrate that health is closely related to human dignity and individual rights--human rights cannot be deemed adequate and comprehensive without ensuring the health of individuals. In the course of their analysis, Gostin and Lazzarini tackle some of the most vexing issues of our time, including the universality of human rights and the counter-claims of cultural relativity. Taking a cue...
A penetrating analysis of the close relationship between public health and human rights, this book makes a compelling case for synergy between the two...
213,84 zł |
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Standard of Care: The Law of American Bioethics
ISBN: 9780195120066 / Angielski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. American law, not philosophy or medicine, is the major force shaping American bioethics. This is both because law at its best fosters individual rights, equality, and justice, and because violation of the legal duty or "standard of care" a physician owes a patient can lead to a malpractice suit. The law has therefore had two conflicting impacts on medical ethics: the positive effect of eroding paternalism and replacing it with a patient-centered ethic; and the negative effect of encouraging physicians to be more concerned with avoiding litigation than doing the "right" thing.
... American law, not philosophy or medicine, is the major force shaping American bioethics. This is both because law at its best fosters individual right...
135,10 zł |
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Informed Consent: Legal Theory and Clinical Practice
ISBN: 9780195126778 / Angielski / Twarda / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Informed consent - as an ethical ideal and legal doctrine - has been the source of much concern to clinicians. Drawing on a diverse set of backgrounds and two decades of research in clinical settings, the authors - a lawyer, a physician, a social scientist, and a philosopher - help clinicians understand and cope with their legal obligations and show how the proper handling of informed consent can improve, rather than impede, patient care. Following a concise review of the ethical and legal foundations of informed consent, they provide detailed, practical suggestions for incorporating informed...
Informed consent - as an ethical ideal and legal doctrine - has been the source of much concern to clinicians. Drawing on a diverse set of backgrounds...
388,08 zł |
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Holding Health Care Accountable: Law and the New Medical Marketplace
ISBN: 9780195141320 / Angielski / Twarda / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Health care in the US and elsewhere has been rocked by economic upheaval. Cost-cuts, care-cuts, and confusion abound. Traditional tort and contract law have not kept pace. Physicians are still expected to deliver the same standard of care -- including costly resources - to everyone, regardless whether it is paid for. Health plans can now face litigation for virtually any unfortunate outcome, even those stemming from society's mandate to keep costs down while improving population health. This book cuts through the chaos and offers a clear, persuasive resolution. Part I explains why new...
Health care in the US and elsewhere has been rocked by economic upheaval. Cost-cuts, care-cuts, and confusion abound. Traditional tort and contract la...
232,93 zł |
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Adverse Events, Stress, and Litigation: A Physician's Guide
ISBN: 9780195171488 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. What is it like to be sued for medical malpractice? Bad medical outcomes traumatize patients but they also traumatize physicians. The litigation that often follows is a profoundly human, rather than just a legal experience. Although every physician's case is different, this book shows how each case goes through the same judicial stages of complaint, discovery, depositions, motions, and delays that lead to trial, settlement, or being dropped. It also gives doctors an understanding of how lawyers think and work to help defendants. Written by a physician and a lawyer, the book provides unique...
What is it like to be sued for medical malpractice? Bad medical outcomes traumatize patients but they also traumatize physicians. The litigation that ...
326,05 zł |
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Reasonable Care: Legal Perspectives on the Doctor-Patient Relationship
ISBN: 9780198255789 / Angielski / Twarda / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Though more and more medical disputes are reaching the courts, English law still essentially allows doctors to set their own standards. Too often, the belief is that "doctor knows best." This book offers a sustained treatment of this issue, primarily as it arises in the hospital setting, but looking too at a range of therapies in different contexts. It argues for patient involvement in medical decision-making about their treatment, and critically examines approaches based on the assertion of patients' legal rights. As such, it provides a valuable analysis of the central areas of medical law...
Though more and more medical disputes are reaching the courts, English law still essentially allows doctors to set their own standards. Too often, the...
306,96 zł |
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Complementary Medicine and Law
ISBN: 9780198259718 / Angielski / Miękka / 328 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The book has two aims. First of all it examines in some detail the way in which the law presently affects the practice of complementary medi cine. The second aim is to examine all the arguments for and against g reater regulation of complementary medicine. In fulfilling the second aim it challenges the notion that the legal and regulatory mechanisms which govern orthodox medicine constitute an appropriate model for the regulation of most complementary therapies. The patient-centred, holi stic approach central to the theory and practice of many complementary therapies presents a unique problem...
The book has two aims. First of all it examines in some detail the way in which the law presently affects the practice of complementary medi cine. The...
349,90 zł |
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Jewish Biomedical Law: Legal and Extra-Legal Dimensions
ISBN: 9780198268277 / Angielski / Twarda / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dealing with major issues in Jewish biomedical law, this book focuses upon the influence of morality, the rise of patient autonomy, and the role played by scientific progress in this area of Jewish Law. The book examines Jewish Law in comparison with Canon, Common, and modern Israeli law.
Dealing with major issues in Jewish biomedical law, this book focuses upon the influence of morality, the rise of patient autonomy, and the role playe...
531,25 zł |
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Law and Medicine: Current Legal Issues 2000 Volume 3
ISBN: 9780198299189 / Angielski / Twarda / 624 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This volume considers the many areas where medicine intersects with the law. Advances in medical research, reproductive science and genetics have given rise to unprecedented ethical and legal quandaries. These are reflected in chapters on cloning, organ donation, choosing genetic characteristics, and the use of Viagra.
This volume considers the many areas where medicine intersects with the law. Advances in medical research, reproductive science and genetics have give...
913,03 zł |
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Who Should We Treat?: Rights, Rationing, and Resources in the Nhs
ISBN: 9780199264179 / Angielski / Twarda / 298 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The NHS has undergone substantial reform and investment since 1980, yet demand for care still exceeds supply and difficult choices remain between patients. Why is this so? On what basis should these decisions be made and by whom? As patients become 'consumers' of care, Who Should We Treat? puts patients' rights into their political, economic, and managerial perspectives to consider one of the most pressing problems in contemporary society.
The NHS has undergone substantial reform and investment since 1980, yet demand for care still exceeds supply and difficult choices remain between pati...
345,14 zł |
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Who Should We Treat?: Rights, Rationing, and Resources in the Nhs
ISBN: 9780199264186 / Angielski / Miękka / 298 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The NHS has undergone substantial reform and investment since 1980, yet demand for care still exceeds supply and difficult choices remain between patients. Why is this so? On what basis should these decisions be made and by whom? As patients become 'consumers' of care, Who Should We Treat? puts patients' rights into their political, economic, and managerial perspectives to consider one of the most pressing problems in contemporary society.
The NHS has undergone substantial reform and investment since 1980, yet demand for care still exceeds supply and difficult choices remain between pati...
364,22 zł |
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The Human Body and the Law: A Medical-Legal Study
ISBN: 9780202308777 / Angielski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this admirably objective and lucid exposition, the author examines from a medico-legal standpoint the comparative position in various countries, particularly in the UK and the United States, of currently controversial medical procedures: voluntary sterilization, compulsory sterilization and castration, transsexualism, experimentation, transplantation, and euthanasia-few of which, if any, enjoy a settled or clearly defi ned place in the eyes of the law. He considers the problems from two perspectives: fi rst, that of the individual in society and how far he himself may determine the extent...
In this admirably objective and lucid exposition, the author examines from a medico-legal standpoint the comparative position in various countries, pa...
231,67 zł |
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Legal Issues in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Second Edition, Revised and (Revised, Enlarged)
ISBN: 9780300033847 / Angielski / Twarda / 364 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book is one of four publications intended to engage a broad range of persons in informed decision-making regarding key health and human value questions. Each publication has a usefulness of its own, while all four comprise a convenient series.
This book is one of four publications intended to engage a broad range of persons in informed decision-making regarding key health and human value que...
522,27 zł |
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Genetic Information: Acquisition, Access, and Control
ISBN: 9780306460524 / Angielski / Twarda / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. It is difficult to think of an example of an advancement in the biological sciences that has had an impact on society similar to that of the new genetics. Recent developments in biotechnology have occasioned much discussion among academics, professionals, and lay people alike. In particular, many questions and concerns have arisen over the acquisi tion, access, and control of genetic information. There are several reasons why the new genetics has commanded such widespread attention, and why it is now the subject of con siderable debate. Special reference is given in this volume to the...
It is difficult to think of an example of an advancement in the biological sciences that has had an impact on society similar to that of the new genet...
598,14 zł |
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Strange Bedfellows: How Medical Jurisprudence Has Influenced Medical Ethics and Medical Practice
ISBN: 9780306466656 / Angielski / Twarda / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The pervasive influence of law on medical practice and clinical bioethics is often noted with a combination of exasperation and lamentation. Physicians and non-physician bioethicists, generally speaking, consider the willingness of courts, legislatures, and regulatory agencies to insinuate themselves into clinical practice and medical research to be a distinctly negative aspect of contemporary American society. They are quick to point out that their colleagues in other Western developed nations are not similarly afflicted, and that the situation which obtains elsewhere is highly preferable to...
The pervasive influence of law on medical practice and clinical bioethics is often noted with a combination of exasperation and lamentation. Physician...
398,75 zł |
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Radiology and the Law: Malpractice and Other Issues
ISBN: 9780387403090 / Angielski / Miękka / 265 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Practically every radiologist would benefit from an all-encompassing guide to malpractice issues in radiology. Dr. Ronald Eisenberg, a highly respected author in the field, has put together a comprehensive reference to provide radiologists with an introduction to malpractice issues and a basic understanding of their relationships with government regulatory agencies and HMOs. This softcover book will detail the mechanics of a lawsuit, how radiologists can become the object of a malpractice action, and what they can do to minimize potential exposure. Practically every radiologist would benefit from an all-encompassing guide to malpractice issues in radiology. Dr. Ronald Eisenberg, a highly respe... |
199,35 zł |
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Legal Perspectives in Bioethics
ISBN: 9780415701488 / Angielski / Twarda / 302 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Issues in bioethics often turn, at least in part, on the law and regulatory requirements. Consisting of chapters that address particular bioethics topics from the laws perspective, this fascinating book includes:
Covering traditional topics in bioethics,... Issues in bioethics often turn, at least in part, on the law and regulatory requirements. Consisting of chapters that address particular bioethics top...
805,98 zł |
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Medical Malpractice and the American Jury: Confronting the Myths about Jury Incompetence, Deep Pockets, and Outrageous Damage Awards
ISBN: 9780472084791 / Angielski / Miękka / 336 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this landmark book, Neil Vidmar looks beyond the common perceptions of medical malpractice litigation and finds a system that is fair, impartial, and intelligent. Firmly grounded in a wealth of empirical data, the author presents a fresh look at a civil jury system that has been maligned as out-of-touch, capricious, and disposed to awarding exorbitant, unjustified amounts to plaintiffs whenever they have the opportunity. In an era when tort reform is high on the congressional agenda, Medical Malpractice and the American Jury is almost alone in voicing reason and fact.
Written in... In this landmark book, Neil Vidmar looks beyond the common perceptions of medical malpractice litigation and finds a system that is fair, impartial, a...
153,51 zł |
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Legal and Ethical Aspects of Organ Transplantation
ISBN: 9780521651646 / Angielski / Twarda / 508 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Organ transplantation raises singularly difficult ethical and legal issues in its requirement for donated organs. Strategies to facilitate supply in the face of increasing demand must be ethically sound and subject to an appropriate and effective regulatory framework. Professor David Price gives a comprehensive analysis of existing laws and policies governing transplantation practices around the world. He examines the meaning of death, cadaver organ procurement policies, use of living donors, trading in human organs, experimental transplant procedures and xenotransplantation. Professor Price...
Organ transplantation raises singularly difficult ethical and legal issues in its requirement for donated organs. Strategies to facilitate supply in t...
602,84 zł |