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Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English
ISBN: 9781616190729 / Angielski / Miękka / 746 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Important Scarce Compilation of Mexican Laws Relating to Texas Translated and Published in 1839 Reprint of the only edition. With an introduction by Joseph W. McKnight describing its compilation, translation and publication. "An indispensable collection (...) This very scarce compilation contains the first complete translation into English of the Mexican laws relating to Texas. Very valuable for historical research, the Laws and Decrees contain over 400 individual decrees, many of which are absolutely unobtainable except in Kimball. This book was indispensable for the practice of law in... Important Scarce Compilation of Mexican Laws Relating to Texas Translated and Published in 1839 Reprint of the only edition. With an introduction b... |
155,03 zł |
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Rechte Aus Gestörtem Bauablauf Nach Ansprüchen: Entscheidungshilfen Für Auftraggeber, Auftragnehmer Und Projektsteuerer
ISBN: 9783834825995 / Niemiecki / Miękka Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Das vorliegende Praxisbuch verschafft dem Baujuristen als Einstiegswerk und dem Baupraktiker als standiger Begleiter einen gesamtheitlichen Uberblick uber die einschlagigen Regelungen der VOB/B und die Nebenregelungen des BGB im Bezug auf die Thematik "Gestorter Bauablauf." Die Systematik und Anschaulichkeit der Inhalte wird durch eine Vielzahl von Grafiken und Ablaufdiagrammen erreicht, die dem Leser die Orientierung und das Nachschlagen bei konkreten Fragestellungen erleichtern.
Das vorliegende Praxisbuch verschafft dem Baujuristen als Einstiegswerk und dem Baupraktiker als standiger Begleiter einen gesamtheitlichen Uberblick ...
277,48 zł |
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Jct: Design and Build Contract 2011 Tracked Change Document
ISBN: 9780414048621 / Angielski / Miękka Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
560,07 zł |
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Jct: Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor's Design 2011 Tracked Change
ISBN: 9780414048652 / Angielski / Miękka Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
560,07 zł |
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EGLR 2011 Set
ISBN: 9780415631150 / Angielski / Twarda / 3 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Estates Gazette Law Reports are an indispensable reference for property law practitioners researching and advising on all aspects of landlord & tenant law, valuation, professional negligence, conveyancing, real property, leasehold enfranchisement and compensation. Published over three volumes each year and edited by HH Judge Hazel Marshall QC, they conveniently summarise key current property cases.The cumulative index is now included bound inside the cover of Volume 3. This volume contains listings of all cases from 2005-2011. The Estates Gazette Law Reports are an indispensable reference for property law practitioners researching and advising on all aspects of l... |
2660,33 zł |
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Construction Contract Variations
ISBN: 9781843119500 / Angielski / Twarda / 412 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Changes to the work on construction projects are a common cause of dispute. Such variations lead to thousands of claims in the UK every year and many more internationally. Liability for variations is not only relevant to claims for sums due for extra work but this is also an important underlying factor in many other construction disputes, such as delay, disruption, defects and project termination. This is the first book to deal exclusively with variations in construction contracts and provide the detailed and comprehensive coverage that it demands. Construction Contract... Changes to the work on construction projects are a common cause of dispute. Such variations lead to thousands of claims in the UK every yea... |
2381,63 zł |
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Construction Law: An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors
ISBN: 9781118229033 / Angielski / Twarda / 320 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws affect their business and how to avoid disputes and exposure to liability. This book offers a comprehensive review of the US legal environment, both criminal and civil, focusing on the key legal concepts and issues applicable to a typical construction project. Construction professionals will find clear, concise introduction to a wide range of contractual issues related to project participants, as well as issues related to the actual construction...
For a construction business to function properly, architects, engineers, and contractors need to understand how the various state and federal laws aff...
538,47 zł |
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Practical Guide to the Nec3 Professional Services Contract
ISBN: 9780470672341 / Angielski / Twarda / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Currently in its third edition, the NEC suite has become one of the UK's leading families of standard forms of contract for major construction and civil engineering projects. Part of the NEC suite, the Professional Services Contract (PSC) was drafted with the same process-based approach and objectives, offering a standard contract for the appointment of consultants providing professional services in an engineering or construction project. Embodying best practice in terms of project management, the basic philosophy of the PSC differs from the principles and approach of other standard contracts...
Currently in its third edition, the NEC suite has become one of the UK's leading families of standard forms of contract for major construction and civ...
479,80 zł |
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Wirksame Und Unwirksame Klauseln Im Vob-Vertrag: Nachschlagewerk Zum Aufstellen Und Prüfen Von Vertragsbedingungen
ISBN: 9783322802118 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 171 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die Bauwirtschaft ist mit einem Bauvolumen von derzeit 255 Mrd. Euro einer der gr6Bten produzierenden Wirtschaftszweige in Deutschland. Ais Wirt schaftszweig, der in seinem W ohl und Wehe von der allgemeinen wirtschaftli chen Entwieklung extrem abhangig ist, braucht er in besonderem MaBe ver Hissliche und attraktive Rahmenbedingungen am Standort Deutschland. Faire und ausgewogene Vertragsbedingungen sind dabei ein essentieller Bestandteil. Leider sieht gerade in diesem Punkt die Realitiit ganz anders aus. Einseitig vorformulierte Vertrage, die die Grundlage fUr eine Vielzahl von...
Die Bauwirtschaft ist mit einem Bauvolumen von derzeit 255 Mrd. Euro einer der gr6Bten produzierenden Wirtschaftszweige in Deutschland. Ais Wirt schaf...
222,01 zł |
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Praxishandbuch Green Building
ISBN: 9783110275179 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 701 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Das Werk stellt die rechtlichen, technischen, okologischen und okonomischen sowie finanziellen und steuerlichen Anforderungen an Green Building und Nachhaltiges Bauen dar. Energieeffizientes Bauen wird fur Investoren und Bauherren immer wichtiger. Dies rechnet sich: Nachhaltige Immobilien bieten messbare okonomische Vorteile und leisten einen erheblichen Beitrag zum globalen Klimaschutz. Das Werk stellt die rechtlichen, technischen, okologischen und okonomischen sowie finanziellen und steuerlichen Anforderungen an Green Building und... |
417,74 zł |
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Eglr 2012 Set
ISBN: 9780415642712 / Angielski / Twarda / 3 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Estates Gazette Law Reports are an indispensable reference for property law practitioners researching and advising on all aspects of landlord and tenant law, valuation, professional negligence, conveyancing, real property, leasehold enfranchisement and compensation. They comprise the law reports published in the Estates Gazette plus new and original cases published for the first time in EGLR. Each volume includes the most significant property cases determined in any given year. Published over three volumes each year and edited by HH Judge Hazel Marshall QC, they conveniently... The Estates Gazette Law Reports are an indispensable reference for property law practitioners researching and advising on all aspects of landlord a... |
2406,97 zł |
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Wohnungs- Und Bodenpolitik in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Kostenmiete, Städtebaurecht, Wohnungseigentum Durch Mietkauf
ISBN: 9783810000156 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 160 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. (1) Keine Preisbewegung lost so starke Reaktionen in der Offentlich keit aus wie offenba.r der Anstieg der Mieten. Auf keinem Markt gibt es einen lihnlich erbitterten Streit zwischen Anbietern und Nachfragern. Viele Mieter fiihlen sich ausgenutzt oder gar ausgebeutet. Dies vor aHem in den Ballungsgebieten, wo die Benutzungsentgelte fiir Wohnungen zum Teil sprunghaft ansteigen. Ais Schuldige gelten vielfach die Hausbesitzer, die als " Wumerer'" und "Halsabschneider'" fiir diese Entwidclung verant ortlich gemamt werden. 1 Diese mit so harten Bandagen gefiihrte Diskussion iiber die Lage am W...
(1) Keine Preisbewegung lost so starke Reaktionen in der Offentlich keit aus wie offenba.r der Anstieg der Mieten. Auf keinem Markt gibt es einen lihn...
203,48 zł |
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ISBN: 9780727759016 / Angielski / 16 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The Framework Contract is an entirely new NEC document and is intended for use in the appointment of one or more suppliers to carry out construction work or to provide design or advisory services on an 'as instructed' basis over a set term. This document contains the core clauses and the contract data forms. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to...
The Framework Contract is an entirely new NEC document and is intended for use in the appointment of one or more suppliers to carry out construction w...
160,02 zł |
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NEC3 How to Write the ECC Works Information
ISBN: 9780727759078 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This guide is written to help users to produce Works Information for the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC). Good quality Works Information is vital to achieving better outcomes for engineering and construction contracts, and reducing misunderstandings and disputes. Works Information should be prepared with individual works requirements and the operation of the ECC in mind.
This guide is written to help users to produce Works Information for the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC). Good quality Works Informat...
192,02 zł |
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NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Subcontract (ECSS)
ISBN: 9780727758859 / Angielski / Miękka / 40 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The short subcontract can be used as a subcontract to NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) and NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (ECSC). It should be used with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques, comprise straightforward work and impose only low risks on both the contractor and the subcontractor. It contains the subcontract clauses and contract data forms Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3...
The short subcontract can be used as a subcontract to NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) and NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Con...
170,69 zł |
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Construction Adjudication and Payments Handbook
ISBN: 9780199551590 / Angielski / Miękka / 550 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides a user-friendly and practical guide to compliance and adjudication under the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996. Timed to coincide with both the 10th anniversary of the Act coming into force (1 May 2008), and the culmination of its review by parliament, the work will provide an up-to-date compendium of case law and useful materials which will be valuable to the construction industry, legal practitioners, and students.
The book provides a comprehensive and practical coverage both of the adjudication and payment provisions of the act. It is set out in... This book provides a user-friendly and practical guide to compliance and adjudication under the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996...
690,39 zł |
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Construction Law Journal
ISBN: 9780414040311 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Confidentiality is a complex subject. In this third edition Toulson and Phipps will provide a comprehensive and authoritative combination of reference, analysis and procedure in relation to confidentiality across all relevant areas of law.
Confidentiality is a complex subject. In this third edition Toulson and Phipps will provide a comprehensive and authoritative combination of reference...
2538,98 zł |
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Construction Law Journal
ISBN: 9780414044319 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
2538,98 zł |
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ISBN: 9780414046917 / Angielski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this book Daniel Greenberg draws on his experience as a legislative drafter to present a current account of how legislation is put together. In explaining the process of parliamentary drafting Greenberg identifies and examines parts of the legislative process that are not well-known, and offers thoughts on how the system works or should work. The book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of law, policy and politics - in fact, any reader with an interest in the British Government - and will be of interest to those involved in the preparation and practice of legislation.
In this book Daniel Greenberg draws on his experience as a legislative drafter to present a current account of how legislation is put together. In exp...
373,38 zł |
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ISBN: 9780414046979 / Angielski / Miękka / 45 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this book Daniel Greenberg draws on his experience as a legislative drafter to present a current account of how legislation is put together. In explaining the process of parliamentary drafting Greenberg identifies and examines parts of the legislative process that are not well-known, and offers thoughts on how the system works or should work. The book will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of law, policy and politics - in fact, any reader with an interest in the British Government - and will be of interest to those involved in the preparation and practice of legislation.
In this book Daniel Greenberg draws on his experience as a legislative drafter to present a current account of how legislation is put together. In exp...
178,21 zł |