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The Politics of Revenge: Fascism and the Military in 20th-Century Spain
ISBN: 9780044454632 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The role of the Spanish Right in the course of the twentieth-century has been a neglected area of academic study. The Politics of Revenge redresses this providing a succinct and disturbing account.
The role of the Spanish Right in the course of the twentieth-century has been a neglected area of academic study. The Politics of Revenge red...
933,77 zł |
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The Quest for El Cid
ISBN: 9780195069556 / Angielski / Miękka / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Rodrigo Diaz, the legendary warrior-knight of eleventh-century Castile known as El Cid, is remembered today as the Christian hero of the Spanish crusade who waged wars of re-conquest for the triumph of the Cross over the Crescent. He is still honored in Spain as a national hero for liberating the fatherland from the occupying Moors. Yet, as Richard Fletcher shows in this award-winning book, there are many contradictions between eleventh-century reality and the mythology that developed with the passing years.
By placing El Cid in a fresh, historical context, Fletcher shows us an... Rodrigo Diaz, the legendary warrior-knight of eleventh-century Castile known as El Cid, is remembered today as the Christian hero of the Spanish crusa...
94,63 zł |
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Death and Money in the Afternoon: A History of the Spanish Bullfight
ISBN: 9780195144123 / Angielski / Miękka / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Bullfighting has long been perceived as an antiquated, barbarous legacy from Spain's medieval past. In fact, many of that country's best poets, philosophers, and intellectuals have accepted the corrida as the embodiment of Spain's rejection of the modern world. In his brilliant new interpretation of bullfighting, Adrian Shubert maintains that this view is both the product of myth and a complete misunderstanding of the real roots of the contemporary bullfight.
While references to a form of bullfighting date back to the Poem of the Cid (1040), the modern bullfight did not emerge... Bullfighting has long been perceived as an antiquated, barbarous legacy from Spain's medieval past. In fact, many of that country's best poets, philos...
388,84 zł |
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A Question of Identity: Iberian Conversos in Historical Perspective
ISBN: 9780195170719 / Angielski / Twarda / 252 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 1391 many of the Jews of Spain were forced to convert to Christianity, creating a new group whose members would be continually seeking a niche for themselves in society. The question of identity was to play a central role in the lives of these and later converts whether of Spanish or Portuguese heritage, for they could not return to Judaism as long as they remained on the Peninsula, and their place in the Christian world would never be secure. This book considers the history of the Iberian conversos-both those who remained in Spain and Portugal and those who emigrated. Wherever they...
In 1391 many of the Jews of Spain were forced to convert to Christianity, creating a new group whose members would be continually seeking a niche for ...
403,18 zł |
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Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas, 1415-1815: Some Facts, Fancies, and Personalities
ISBN: 9780195198171 / Angielski / Twarda / 148 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas, 1415-1815 Some Facts, Fancies, and Personalities
Women in Iberian Expansion Overseas, 1415-1815 Some Facts, Fancies, and Personalities
278,86 zł |
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The Medieval Crown of Aragon 'a Short History'
ISBN: 9780198202363 / Angielski / Miękka / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The first study of its kind in English in more than fifty years, this book surveys the history of the medieval Crown of Aragon from its early origins in counties of the eastern Pyrenees. Reviewing the most recent research into the well-preserved archives of the region, Bisson recreates a sense of the energy, drama, and color of these creative and expansionist people between the 12th and 15th centuries. Throughout, the book duly stresses individual achievement and personality while at the same time providing a balanced overview of political and dynastic evolution, institutional foundations,...
The first study of its kind in English in more than fifty years, this book surveys the history of the medieval Crown of Aragon from its early origins ...
331,45 zł |
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The Return of the Armadas: The Last Years of the Elizabethan War Against Spain, 1595-1603
ISBN: 9780198204435 / Angielski / Twarda / 472 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This sequel to R.B. Wernham's acclaimed After the Armada picksup where its companion volume left off. The defeat of the Spanish Armada did not put an end to Spanish sea power, and by the mid-1590s the war against Spain had been renewed. Rebellion in Ireland added to the problems faced by the Government in the last years of Queen Elizabeth's reign. R.B. Wernham sets out to examine these major events of the last years of Queen Elizabeth's reign and to assess their impact on English policy. This is a lucidly written and superbly integrated study of events and policies during this period by a...
This sequel to R.B. Wernham's acclaimed After the Armada picksup where its companion volume left off. The defeat of the Spanish Armada did not put an ...
950,69 zł |
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The End of the Spanish Empire, 1898-1923
ISBN: 9780198205074 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is the first full account in any language of Spain's disastrous war with the United States in 1898, in which it lost the remnants of its old empire. It is also the first comprehensive analysis of the ensuing political and social crisis in Spain from the loss of empire through the First World War to the military coup of 1923. Balfour's study essential reading for anyone interested in the roots of the Spanish crisis in the first half of the twentieth century.
This is the first full account in any language of Spain's disastrous war with the United States in 1898, in which it lost the remnants of its old empi...
711,61 zł |
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The Medieval Crown of Aragon: A Short History
ISBN: 9780198219873 / Angielski / Twarda / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The first study of its kind in English in more than fifty years, this book surveys the history of the medieval Crown of Aragon from its early origins in counties of the eastern Pyrenees. Reviewing the most recent research into the well-preserved archives of the region, Bisson recreates a sense of the energy, drama, and color of these creative and expansionist people between the 12th and 15th centuries. Throughout, the book duly stresses individual achievement and personality while at the same time providing a balanced overview of political and dynastic evolution, institutional foundations,...
The first study of its kind in English in more than fifty years, this book surveys the history of the medieval Crown of Aragon from its early origins ...
675,74 zł |
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Spain, 1808-1975
ISBN: 9780198221289 / Angielski / Miękka / 886 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The first edition of this book was published in 1966. It became a standard work as a survey of economic, social, and political origins of modern Spain leading up to the apparent defeat of the liberal tradition with General Franco's victory in the Civil War. Since 1966 there has been a revolution in Spanish historiography. The more modern history of Spain, a neglected, even dangerous field, virtually unexplored, has since come into its own. In this edition, Raymond Carr has added new chapters that examine Francoism, its political system, and the society it sustained. He brings the story up to...
The first edition of this book was published in 1966. It became a standard work as a survey of economic, social, and political origins of modern Spain...
604,01 zł |
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Spain, 1833-2002: People and State
ISBN: 9780198731597 / Angielski / Miękka / 272 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Spain, 1833-2002 provides a cultural history of Spanish politics from the civil war of 1833 to the Spanish adoption of the Euro in 2002. A tumultuous period dominated for the most part by violent military interventions in the political process, a succession of weak, unstable, but repressive governments, and the ever-present threat of rebellion from below, this era culminated in the victory and repressive dictatorship of General Franco.
Using a wide range of sources, both textual and material, author Mary Vincent focuses on the question of how ordinary people came to identify... Spain, 1833-2002 provides a cultural history of Spanish politics from the civil war of 1833 to the Spanish adoption of the Euro in 2002. A tu...
152,09 zł |
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The Reinvention of Spain: Nation and Identity Since Democracy
ISBN: 9780199206674 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Unravelling the debate about the Spanish nation and its identity in the new democracy, this book looks at the issue as both a historical debate and a contemporary political problem, particularly complex due to the legacy of the Francoist Dictatorship which deeply eroded the legitimacy of Spanish nationalism. During and since the transition Spanish nationalist discourse has evolved to meet the challenge of new concepts of nation and identity. These formulations argue very different configurations of the relationship between nation and state. While the Constitution of 1978 defines Spain as a...
Unravelling the debate about the Spanish nation and its identity in the new democracy, this book looks at the issue as both a historical debate and a ...
568,16 zł |
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The Resilience of the Spanish Monarchy 1665-1700
ISBN: 9780199246373 / Angielski / Twarda / 288 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Christopher Storrs presents a fresh new appraisal of the reasons for the survival of Spain and its European and overseas empire under the last Spanish Habsburg, Carlos II (1665-1700). Hitherto it has been largely assumed that in the "Age of Louis XIV" Spain collapsed as a military, naval and imperial power, and only retained its empire because states which had hitherto opposed Spanish hegemony came to Carlos's aid.
However, this view seriously underestimates the efforts of Carlos II and his ministers to raise men to fight in Spain's various armies--above all in Flanders, Lombardy, and... Christopher Storrs presents a fresh new appraisal of the reasons for the survival of Spain and its European and overseas empire under the last Spanish...
855,06 zł |
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Deadly Embrace: Morocco and the Road to the Spanish Civil War
ISBN: 9780199252961 / Angielski / Twarda / 368 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Combining military, political, cultural, social, and oral history, Sebastian Balfour narrates for the first time the development of a brutalized, interventionist army that played a crucial role in the victory of the Francoists in the Spanish Civil War. Spain's new colonial venture in Morocco in the early twentieth-century turned into a bloody war against the tribes resisting the Spanish invasion of their lands. After suffering a succession of heavy military disasters against some of the most accomplished guerrillas in the world, the Spanish army turned to chemical warfare and dropped massive...
Combining military, political, cultural, social, and oral history, Sebastian Balfour narrates for the first time the development of a brutalized, inte...
604,01 zł |
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Politics and Reform in Spain and Viceregal Mexico: The Life and Thought of Juan de Palafox 1600-1659
ISBN: 9780199270286 / Angielski / Twarda / 360 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This work examines the relationship between Spain and America in the seventeenth century through the life and thought of Juan de Palafox, a protege of the count-duke of Olivares who became Visitor General of New Spain. Alvarez de Toledo explores the failed attempt made by Palafox to reform overseas government on constitutional lines, and thus throws light upon the Spanish practice of empire and on how the transatlantic relationship worked and developed.
This work examines the relationship between Spain and America in the seventeenth century through the life and thought of Juan de Palafox, a protege of...
735,51 zł |
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Franco's Justice: Repression in Madrid After the Spanish Civil War
ISBN: 9780199281831 / Angielski / Twarda / 269 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Madrid became one of the key symbols of Republican resistance to General Franco during the Spanish Civil War following the Nationalists' failure to take the city in the winter of 1936-7. Yet despite the defiant cries of 'No pasaran', they did eventually pass on 28 March 1939. This book examines the consequences in Madrid of Franco's unconditional victory in the Spanish Civil War. Using recently available archival material, this study shows how the punishment of the vanquished was based on a cruel irony - Republicans, not the military rebels of July 1936, were held responsible for the...
Madrid became one of the key symbols of Republican resistance to General Franco during the Spanish Civil War following the Nationalists' failure to ta...
878,97 zł |
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Acts of Giving: Individual, Community, and Church in Tenth-Century Christian Spain
ISBN: 9780199283408 / Angielski / Twarda / 240 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Acts of Giving examines the issues surrounding donation --the giving of property, usually landed property--in northern "Christian" Spain in the tenth century, when written texts became very plentiful, allowing us to glimpse the working of local society.
Wendy Davies explores who gives and who receives; what is given; reasons for giving; and the place of giving within the complex of social and economic relationships in society as a whole. People gave land for all kinds of reasons - because they were forced to do so, to meet debts or pay fines; because they wanted to gain material benefits... Acts of Giving examines the issues surrounding donation --the giving of property, usually landed property--in northern "Christian" Spain in the tenth ...
484,47 zł |
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A History of Islamic Spain
ISBN: 9780202309361 / Angielski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The period of Muslim occupation in Spain represents the only significant contact Islam and Europe was ever to have on European soil. In this important as well as fascinating study, Watt traces Islam's influence upon Spain and European civilization - from the collapse of the Visigoths in the eighth century to the fall of Granada in the fifteenth, and considers Spain's importance as a part of the Islamic empire. Particular attention is given to the golden period of economic and political stability achieved under the Umayyads. Without losing themselves in detail and without sacrificing...
The period of Muslim occupation in Spain represents the only significant contact Islam and Europe was ever to have on European soil. In this important...
242,22 zł |
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Warnings to the Kings and Advice on Restoring Spain: A Bilingual Edition
ISBN: 9780226140810 / Angielski / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. During a pivotal point in Spanish history, aristocrat Maria de Guevara (?-1683) produced two extraordinary essays that appealed for strong leadership, protested political corruption, and demanded the inclusion of women in the court's decision making. "Treaty" gave Philip IV practical suggestions for fighting the war against Portugal and "Disenchantments" counseled the king-to-be, Charles II, on strategies to raise the country's status in Europe. This annotated bilingual edition, featuring Nieves Romero-Diaz's adroit translation, reproduces Guevara's polemics for the first time.
Guevara's... During a pivotal point in Spanish history, aristocrat Maria de Guevara (?-1683) produced two extraordinary essays that appealed for strong leadership,...
143,45 zł |
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Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500
ISBN: 9780226319629 / Angielski / Miękka / 386 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This is a richly detailed account of Muslim life throughout the kingdoms of Spain, from the fall of Seville, which signaled the beginning of the retreat of Islam, to the Christian reconquest.
"Harvey not only examines the politics of the Nasrids, but also the Islamic communities in the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula. This innovative approach breaks new ground, enables the reader to appreciate the situation of all Spanish Muslims and is fully vindicated. . . . An absorbing and thoroughly informed narrative." Richard Hitchcock, "Times Higher Education Supplement" "L. P. Harvey has... This is a richly detailed account of Muslim life throughout the kingdoms of Spain, from the fall of Seville, which signaled the beginning of the retre...
219,51 zł |