What really occurred in Spain's Forgotten War? Years of research were necessary to dig out long-concealed informat-ion about that desperate anti-Franco guerrilla conflict. Though the events recounted in this book occurred more than half a century ago, they have never been more relevant than today as Spain struggles to come to terms with its recent history.
What really occurred in Spain's Forgotten War? Years of research were necessary to dig out long-concealed informat-ion about that desperate anti-Franc...
Este libro magnificamente escrito no podIa ser mAs oportuno. Son las palabras de Paul Preston, conocido historiador britAnico. "David Baird ha recreado laboriosamente la trAgica y aUn hoy heroica historia de un pequeNo grupo rebelde. Tan excitante como una novela de intriga, pero mucho mAs conmmovedor, este libro merece ser leIdo por todo aquel interesado en la historia contemporAnea de EspaNa," dice Preston.
La gente de la sierra presenta un trocito de la historia de EspaNa. Oficialmente, la Guerra Civil se acabO en 1.939, pero la resistencia armada contra Franco y su...
Este libro magnificamente escrito no podIa ser mAs oportuno. Son las palabras de Paul Preston, conocido historiador britAnico. "David Baird ha recr...
Is Job simply a message of the sovereignty and mysterious ways of God? Is Job simply the great -Catch 22- when we don't understand why things are going wrong? Is there a higher meaning that will set us free? What is the purpose of the Book of Job? Has Job confused you and caused you to draw wrong conclusions of the nature of God? All these questions are answered and Job will become a new source of faith and expectancy not a reinforcement of fatalism, confusion and unbelief. Job is one of the most important books in the Bible and it is vital we understand its true essence. -JOB Unseen- is an...
Is Job simply a message of the sovereignty and mysterious ways of God? Is Job simply the great -Catch 22- when we don't understand why things are goin...