Knitting Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia gives you quick visual access to a comprehensive collection of stitch combinations that enable you to create your own designs or modify existing patterns with ease. Each stitch is accompanied by a full-color photo and diagram to make learning even easier, while sidebars guide you through tricky parts of various stitch patterns.
knit and purl patterns - ribs - bobbles and textured stitches - slipstitch patterns - twist-stitch patterns - cables - drop-stitch, eyelet, and lace patterns...
350 stitch patterns you'll use again and again
Knitting Stitches VISUAL Encyclopedia gives you quick visual access to a comprehens...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon literature and history. In 1799-1805 he published this four-volume work, still acknowledged as a turning point in Anglo-Saxon studies and a benchmark in historiography. Turner was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1800, soon after the first volume appeared. His approach of contrasting 'Anglo-Saxon freedom' with 'the Norman yoke' held particular appeal at a time of deteriorating political relations with France. Turner's lasting...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon ...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon literature and history. In 1799-1805 he published this four-volume work, still acknowledged as a turning point in Anglo-Saxon studies and a benchmark in historiography. Turner was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1800, soon after the first volume appeared. His approach of contrasting 'Anglo-Saxon freedom' with 'the Norman yoke' held particular appeal at a time of deteriorating political relations with France. Turner's lasting...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon ...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon literature and history. In 1799-1805 he published this four-volume work, still acknowledged as a turning point in Anglo-Saxon studies and a benchmark in historiography. Turner was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1800, soon after the first volume appeared. His approach of contrasting 'Anglo-Saxon freedom' with 'the Norman yoke' held particular appeal at a time of deteriorating political relations with France. Turner's lasting...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon ...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon literature and history. In 1799-1805 he published this four-volume work, still acknowledged as a turning point in Anglo-Saxon studies and a benchmark in historiography. Turner was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1800, soon after the first volume appeared. His approach of contrasting 'Anglo-Saxon freedom' with 'the Norman yoke' held particular appeal at a time of deteriorating political relations with France. Turner's lasting...
Sharon Turner (1768-1847) practised as a solicitor in London, specialising in the law of copyright, but devoted his free time to studying Anglo-Saxon ...