"Film Genre Reader III lives up to the high expectations set by its predecessors, providing an accessible and relatively comprehensive look at genre studies. The anthology's consideration of the advantages and challenges of genre studies, as well as its inclusion of various film genres and methodological approaches, presents a pedagogically useful overview."--Scope
Since 1986, Film Genre Reader has been the standard reference and classroom text for the study of genre in film, with more than 25,000...
From reviews of the third edition:
"Film Genre Reader III lives up to the high expectations set by its predecessors, providing an ...
This revealing history of the American film musical synthesizes the critical literature on the genre and provides a series of close analytical readings of iconic musical films, focusing on their cultural relationship to other aspects of American popular music.
Offers a depth of scholarship that will appeal to students and scholars
Leads a crucial analysis of the cultural context of musicals, particularly the influence of popular music on the genre
Delves into critical issues behind these films such as race, gender, ideology, and authorship
This revealing history of the American film musical synthesizes the critical literature on the genre and provides a series of close analytical reading...
With its paranoid plot of alien duplicates replacing average American folk, Invasion of the Body Snatchers was the first horror film to locate the monstrous in the everyday. Barry Keith Grant's comprehensive study traces the film's production and reception history, and explores themes of genre, communism and conformity and gender.
With its paranoid plot of alien duplicates replacing average American folk, Invasion of the Body Snatchers was the first horror film to locat...
This is a concise evaluation of film genre, discussing genre theory and sample analyses of the western, science fiction, the musical, horror, comedy, and the thriller. It introduces the topic in an accessible way and includes sections on the principles of studying and understanding "the idea of genre"; genre and popular culture; the narrative and stylistic conventions of specific genres; the relations of genres to culture and history, race, gender, sexuality, class and national identity; and the complex relations between genre and authorship. Case studies include: 42nd Street,...
This is a concise evaluation of film genre, discussing genre theory and sample analyses of the western, science fiction, the musical, horror, comedy, ...
"[A] well-plotted survey." Total Film In 100 American Horror Films, Barry Keith Grant presents entries on 100 films from one of American cinema's longest-standing, most diverse and most popular genres, representing its rich history from the silent era - D.W. Griffith's The Avenging Conscience of 1915 - to contemporary productions - Jordan Peele's 2017 Get Out. In his introduction, Grant provides an overview of the genre’s history, a context for the films addressed in the individual entries, and discusses the specific relations between American culture and horror. All of the entries are...
"[A] well-plotted survey." Total Film In 100 American Horror Films, Barry Keith Grant presents entries on 100 films from one of American cinema's lon...