John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Most of the essays in this book were first collected together in October 1931, immediately after Britain had left the gold standard. They reflected Keynes's attempts over the previous dozen years to influence public opinion and policy over the Treaty of Versailles, over which he had resigned from the Treasury in June 1919, reparations and inter-allied war debts, stabilisation policy, the gold standard and the shape of liberal politics in Britain. In 1972 the essays were reprinted with the full texts of the pamphlets - Can Lloyd George Do It?, The Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill, A Short...
Most of the essays in this book were first collected together in October 1931, immediately after Britain had left the gold standard. They reflected Ke...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the course of public opinion and public policy in Britain and elsewhere between the autumn of 1929 and Britain's departure from the gold standard on 21 September 1931. At its centre are Keynes's activities as a member of the Macmillan Committee on Finance and Industry (including the eight days of 'private evidence' he gave, setting out the theory of his then unpublished Treatise on Money and applying it to Britain's contemporary problems) and the Economic Advisory Council and its committees. It also includes all his related journalism...
This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the course of public opinion and public policy in Britain and elsewhere between the autumn ...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Between the outbreak of war in 1939 and his death in April 1946, Keynes was closely involved in the management of Britain's war economy and the planning of the post-war world. This volume, the fifth of six dealing with this period, focuses on three aspects of his activities in planning the post-war world: the final stages of the discussions and negotiations that brought the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to birth at Bretton Woods and Savannah, the negotiations over commercial policy, and the discussions on reparations and the post-war treatment of Germany. On all of these subjects...
Between the outbreak of war in 1939 and his death in April 1946, Keynes was closely involved in the management of Britain's war economy and the planni...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the development of public opinion and public policy between September 1931 and the outbreak of World War II. It contains his journalism, his memoranda and letters to ministers and committees of the Economic Advisory Council and related correspondence. The issues covered include the management of sterling, Britain's recovery policies, the New Deal, the World Economic Conference of 1933, Britain's rearmament and preparations for war, and the recession of 1937-8 and policies to combat it. As such, it is a companion to the volumes dealing...
This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the development of public opinion and public policy between September 1931 and the outbreak...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Between the outbreak of war in 1939 and his death in April 1946, Keynes was closely involved in the management of Britain's war economy and the planning of the post-war world. This volume, the sixth dealing with this period, focuses on several aspects of post-war planning: the discussions surrounding relief and reconstruction, the attempts to produce a post-war scheme to stabilise the prices of primary products, and the discussions surrounding Britain's programme of reconstruction, most notably the Beveridge programme for social insurance and the policy of full employment. It contains...
Between the outbreak of war in 1939 and his death in April 1946, Keynes was closely involved in the management of Britain's war economy and the planni...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
This volume brings together Keynes's writings in a number of fields. It includes a full account of his experience as an investor, both for himself and for others, combined with a selection from his correspondence and memoranda on investment in which he tried to expound his beliefs to others. Also included are his writings on commodities, his early lecture notes on money and a selection of his correspondence as editor of the Economic Journal and a referee for the Macmillan Company.
This volume brings together Keynes's writings in a number of fields. It includes a full account of his experience as an investor, both for himself and...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Most of the essays in this book were first collected and published in 1933, when Keynes had reached a turning point in a highly successful career as an academic economist, as an official economic advisor, opponent of the reparation imposed on Germany and critic of the orthodox economic policies of British governments. Before devoting himself fully to the final stages of his journey towards The General Theory, Keynes put together these examples of one of his favourite literary genres, the psychological portrait and biographical sketch. With the additions made in 1951 and 1972, the book...
Most of the essays in this book were first collected and published in 1933, when Keynes had reached a turning point in a highly successful career as a...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
This volume, the second of six concerned with the Second World War, provides an account of Keynes's contributions to the solution of Britain's wartime external financial problems between 1940 and 1943. It focuses particularly on his involvement in discussions, both in Whitehall and in Washington, concerning the operation of the Lend Lease Agreement and the terms of post-war economic co-operation under Article VII of that agreement. However, it also includes records of his discussions with American economists on the finance of the American defence effort in 1941 and his growing concern with...
This volume, the second of six concerned with the Second World War, provides an account of Keynes's contributions to the solution of Britain's wartime...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Originally written as a Fellowship Dissertation for King's College, Cambridge, between 1906 and 1909, Keynes's Treatise represents his earliest large-scale writing. Rewritten for publication during 1909-12 and 1920-1, it was the first systematic work in English on the logical foundations of probability for 55 years. As it filled an obvious gap in the existing theory of knowledge, it received an enthusiastic reception from contemporaries on publication. Even today amongst philosophers, the essence of Keynes's approach to probability is established. This edition reprints, with Keynes's own...
Originally written as a Fellowship Dissertation for King's College, Cambridge, between 1906 and 1909, Keynes's Treatise represents his earliest large-...
John Maynard Keynes Elizabeth Johnson Donald E. Moggridge
Keynes published The Economic Consequences of the Peace in December 1919. Over the next two years events moved rapidly and by the late autumn of 1921 a sequel was needed. While Keynes's views had not changed, any critical observer required a review of the new facts and materials. That is what A Revision of the Treaty provided. By May 1921 a long series of meetings between the Allied Premiers had led, through an even longer series of proposals, counterproposals, attempted settlements and sanctions imposed on Germany, to the London Settlement of Reparations of May 1921. This, as Keynes rightly...
Keynes published The Economic Consequences of the Peace in December 1919. Over the next two years events moved rapidly and by the late autumn of 1921 ...