Many families leave their children for years to be looked after by young people about whom they know next to nothing, from places they have barely heard of. Who are these au pairs, why do they come and what is their experience of this arrangement? Do they, for their part, find that they are treated as one of the family, and would they even want to be? After a year of careful research, this book shows how most of our assumptions and expectations about au pairs are wrong.
This is the first book devoted to the lives of au pairs, their leisure as well as their work time. We see this...
Many families leave their children for years to be looked after by young people about whom they know next to nothing, from places they have barely hea...
Monografia popisuje vznikajúci trh týkajúci sa platených prác v domácnosti na Slovensku. Kniha sleduje situáciu, ktorá je pri najímaní pracovníčok v domácnosti nezvyčajná – na rozdiel od väčšiny európskych krajín na Slovensku nie sú ako pracovníčky v domácnosti zamestnávané prevažne migrantky, ale takmer výlučne ženy, ktoré majú občianstvo a väčšinou aj tú istú národnosť ako rodiny, ktoré ich zamestnávajú.
Monografia popisuje vznikajúci trh týkajúci sa platených prác v domácnosti na Slovensku. Kniha sleduje situáciu, ktorá je pri najímaní praco...