Images, Ethics, Technology explores the changing ethical implications of images and the ways they are communicated and understood.
It emphasises how images change not only through their modes of representation, but through our relationship to them. In order to understand images, we must understand how they are produced, communicated, and displayed.
Each of the 14 essays chart the relationship to technology as part of a larger complex social and cultural matrix, highlighting how these relations constrain and enable notions of responsibility with...
Images, Ethics, Technology explores the changing ethical implications of images and the ways they are communicated and understood.
Images, Ethics, Technology explores the changing ethical implications of images and the ways they are communicated and understood.
It emphasises how images change not only through their modes of representation, but through our relationship to them. In order to understand images, we must understand how they are produced, communicated, and displayed.
Each of the 14 essays chart the relationship to technology as part of a larger complex social and cultural matrix, highlighting how these relations constrain and enable notions of responsibility with respect to images and what they...
Images, Ethics, Technology explores the changing ethical implications of images and the ways they are communicated and understood.