This work examines how key figures such as Garfinkel, Sacks and Cicourel have revolutionised thinking about how sociology's presuppositions about 'being social' are grounded. In assessing the critical reception of ethnomethodology, Sharrock and Anderson argue that much is wide of the mark, that the real argument has yet to begin.
This work examines how key figures such as Garfinkel, Sacks and Cicourel have revolutionised thinking about how sociology's presuppositions about 'bei...
This work examines how key figures such as Garfinkel, Sacks and Cicourel have revolutionised thinking about how sociology's presuppositions about 'being social' are grounded. In assessing the critical reception of ethnomethodology, Sharrock and Anderson argue that much is wide of the mark, that the real argument has yet to begin.
This work examines how key figures such as Garfinkel, Sacks and Cicourel have revolutionised thinking about how sociology's presuppositions about 'bei...