Attention to the security-development nexus has become commonplace in national and global policy-making, and yet the exact nature of the term remains undefined. This study approaches the subjects of development and security from a variety of different perspectives, offering an array of interpretations of the nexus along with an analysis of its potentially related issues. Particular attention is paid to studies of conflict and peace, with a focus upon the linkage between these subjects and the topic of the nexus itself.
Specific areas of investigation include the role of diasporas in...
Attention to the security-development nexus has become commonplace in national and global policy-making, and yet the exact nature of the term remai...
Through a multi-disciplinary approach, this volume studies the management and settlement of conflict and disputes in East Asia. Conflict and disputes exist everywhere in human society. The management and settlement of them has become an imperative. This volume is a significant contribution to a broader understanding of the complexities involved in managing and settling disputes and conflicts at regional, inter-state and intra-state levels in the East Asian region. Drawing on expertise in Peace and Conflict, International Relations, and International Law the volume presents to the reader a...
Through a multi-disciplinary approach, this volume studies the management and settlement of conflict and disputes in East Asia. Conflict and disputes ...