Focusing on Karnataka in India, this study examines the implications of the model of development sought to be introduced in the entire country through the governance reforms of the post-1991 period a model that bypasses Panchayat Raj institutions (PRIs), resulting in a majority of the population being left outside the purview of development.
These changes in governance resulted in, among other things, the prolific growth of NGOs in the country, particularly in Karnataka. Explaining how community-based organizations (CBOs) set up by these NGOs have made their way into rural Karnataka,...
Focusing on Karnataka in India, this study examines the implications of the model of development sought to be introduced in the entire country thro...
Focusing on Karnataka in India, this study examines the implications of the model of development sought to be introduced in the entire country through the governance reforms of the post-1991 period - a model that bypasses Panchayat Raj institutions (PRIs), resulting in a majority of the population being left outside the purview of development.
These changes in governance resulted in, among other things, the prolific growth of NGOs in the country, particularly in Karnataka. Explaining how community-based organizations (CBOs) set up by these NGOs have made their way into rural...
Focusing on Karnataka in India, this study examines the implications of the model of development sought to be introduced in the entire country thro...