Learn to produce a Web site that stands out from the crowd One of the Web designer's greatest challenges is to create a site distinctive enough to get noticed among the more than 213,000,000 sites already on the Web.
Learn to produce a Web site that stands out from the crowd One of the Web designer's greatest challenges is to create a site distinctive enough to get...
So you want to build your very own website? That s awesome By picking up this book you have taken the first step in making your wish come true. A lot of stigma exists about the difficulty of building websites, but you can take comfort in the fact that almost anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can produce a website It might take you a while to get through this book, because it goes into more depth than some other beginner books to equip you better for all possible scenarios. Hopefully, once you finish this book, you will want to learn more about the subjects discussed, but if...
So you want to build your very own website? That s awesome By picking up this book you have taken the first step in making your wish come true. A lot...