Agricultural development research aims to generate new knowledge or to retrieve and apply existing forms of knowledge in ways that can be used to improve the welfare of people who are living in poverty or are otherwise excluded, for instance by gender-based discrimination. Its effective application therefore requires ongoing dialogue with and the strong engagement of men and women from poor marginal farming communities.
This book discusses opportunities afforded by effective knowledge pathways linking researchers and farmers, underpinned by participatory research and gender analysis. It...
Agricultural development research aims to generate new knowledge or to retrieve and apply existing forms of knowledge in ways that can be used to i...
Most development policies and interventions are based on an assumption that 'modernisation' in the Western sense is the ultimate goal of human societies. Culture is therefore regarded either as an impediment to progress or as something outside the economic and political spheres and consigned to areas of religion and ritual. This collection of papers, published in association with World Faiths Development Dialogue and written by a range of aid practitioners and scholars, shows the need not merely to view culture as an important dimension of development but to see development itself as a...
Most development policies and interventions are based on an assumption that 'modernisation' in the Western sense is the ultimate goal of human societi...