The demands of increasingly complex embedded systems and associated performance computations have resulted in the development of heterogeneous computing architectures that often integrate several types of processors, analog and digital electronic components, and mechanical and optical components all on a single chip. As a result, now the most prominent challenge for the design automation community is to efficiently plan for such heterogeneity and to fully exploit its capabilities. A compilation of work from internationally renowned authors, Model-Based Design for Embedded...
The demands of increasingly complex embedded systems and associated performance computations have resulted in the development of heterogeneous comp...
Justyna Zander Ina Schieferdecker Pieter J. Mosterman
This book explores model-based testing from a number of different perspectives. Combining various aspects of embedded systems and software--and their how they are applied--it covers theory and practice concerning the test specification and validation of complex software-intensive embedded systems. Model-based testing refers to software testing in which test cases are either wholly or partially derived from a model, illustrating selected aspects of a system under test. Detailed examples from industry provide solutions that are applicable in real-world testing practices. The text provides a...
This book explores model-based testing from a number of different perspectives. Combining various aspects of embedded systems and software--and their ...