This book outlines the construction, interpretations and understanding of US strategy towards Africa in the early twenty-first century.
No single issue or event in the recent decades in Africa has provoked so much controversy and unified hostility and opposition as the announcement by former President George W. Bush of the establishment of the United Stated Africa Command - AFRICOM. The intensity and sheer scale of the unprecedented unity of opposition to AFRICOM across Africa surprised many experts and lead them to ask why such a hostile reaction occurred.
This book outlines the construction, interpretations and understanding of US strategy towards Africa in the early twenty-first century.
Nowhere in the world is the demand for peace more prominent and challenging than in Africa. This book presents the first comprehensive overview of conflict and peace across the continent. Bringing together a range of leading academics from Africa and beyond, "Peace and Conflict in Africa" is an ideal introduction to key themes of conflict resolution, peacebuilding, security and development. The book's stress on the importance of indigenous African approaches to creating peace makes it an innovative and exciting intervention in the field.
Nowhere in the world is the demand for peace more prominent and challenging than in Africa. This book presents the first comprehensive overview of ...