This collection recovers the continuities between three forms of romance that have often been separated from one another in critical discourse: early modern prose fiction, the dramatic romances staged in England during the 1570s and 1580s, and Shakespeare's late plays. Although Pericles, Cymbeline, Winter's Tale, and The Tempest have long been characterized as "romances," their connections with the popular prose romances of their day and the dramatic romances that preceded them have frequently been overlooked. Constructed to explore those connections, this volume includes...
This collection recovers the continuities between three forms of romance that have often been separated from one another in critical discourse: ear...
Anne Cooke Bacon was highly educated and was known for her ability to read Latin, Greek, Italian and French. She married Sir Nicholas Bacon, Queen’s Keeper of the Great Seal and a member of Elizabeth’s Privy Council. The directions of the new Church of England were heavily influenced by her husband and Anne too was actively involved in the religious controversies of her day, her translations position her as a strong advocate for the Protestant cause. Whilst in her early 20s she translated the sermons of Bernardino Ochino, a popular Italian preacher who converted to Calvinism. Her...
Anne Cooke Bacon was highly educated and was known for her ability to read Latin, Greek, Italian and French. She married Sir Nicholas Bacon, Queen’s...