Land has long been overlooked in economics. That is now changing. A substantial part of the solution to the climate crisis may lie in growing crops for fuel and using trees for storing carbon. This book investigates the potential of these options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, estimates the costs to the economy, and analyses the trade-offs with growing food. The first part presents new databases that are necessary to underpin policy-relevant research in the field of climate change while describing and critically assessing the underlying data, the methodologies used, and the first...
Land has long been overlooked in economics. That is now changing. A substantial part of the solution to the climate crisis may lie in growing crops...
The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Steven Rose explores the evolutionary route by which brains emerged, from the origin of life to today's complex societies. He also investigates how brains develop from a single fertilised egg.
The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Steven Rose explores the evolutionary route by which brains emerged, from the ori...
This volume is about the biological processes by which humans - and other animals, learn and remember - and how researchers can explore these mechanisms. Since the first edition of this book won the Science Prize in 1993, research has moved forward and Steven Rose has revised the book, which includes a chapter on how a potential breakthrough has occured in the treatment for Alzheimer's Disease.
This volume is about the biological processes by which humans - and other animals, learn and remember - and how researchers can explore these mechanis...
First published in 1966, THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE has held its own as a clear and authoritative introduction to the world of biochemistry. This fourth edition has been fully updated and revised to include the latest developments in DNA and protein synthesis, cell regulation, and their social and medical implications.
First published in 1966, THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE has held its own as a clear and authoritative introduction to the world of biochemistry. This fourth ed...
Spoluobjevitel struktury DNA James Watson svého času prohlásil, že „lidský osud není ve hvězdách, ale v genech“. Manželé Roseovi dokladují, jak jsou taková velkohubá deterministická tvrzení naivní a současně nebezpečně manipulativní. Příslib blahobytné zdravé společnosti prospívající díky individualizované genové terapii se rozplynul. Geny neurčují, jaký bude náš život a osud, a genomický průmysl nezbavil svět ani schizofrenie, ani bezdomovectví. Stejný osud sdílí také regenerativní medicína spoléhající na zázračné schopnosti lidských...
Spoluobjevitel struktury DNA James Watson svého času prohlásil, že „lidský osud není ve hvězdách, ale v genech“. Manželé Roseovi dokladu...