The Green Challenge is an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the development of Green parties in Western Europe, and includes an account of the development since 1989 of an East European Green movement. Blending theory and empirical analysis, the book contains chapters on each of the main western European cases and on a number of other less-studied ones. These are designed to demonstrate the shifting balance of party-political competition the factor the authors believe most strongly influences the fortunes of the Greens. The editors also integrate a valuable analysis of...
The Green Challenge is an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the development of Green parties in Western Europe, and includes an account...
Social Change in Political Transformation is thorough examination of political transformation the book features contributors from western and eastern Europe, giving their views on how European society and institutions are changing. The themes of social change, new movements and the development of European institutions are developed within a broad framework, and are supposed by considerable empirical detail relating to the European Community and a disaggregated eastern Europe. Students of political sociology, politics and European studies will all find this a useful text providing theories and...
Social Change in Political Transformation is thorough examination of political transformation the book features contributors from western and eastern ...