Meir Shillor, Mircea Sofonea, Józef Joachim Telega
The mathematical theory of contact mechanics is a growing field in engineering and scientific computing. This book is intended as a unified and readily accessible source for mathematicians, applied mathematicians, mechanicians, engineers and scientists, as well as advanced students. The first part describes models of the processes involved like friction, heat generation and thermal effects, wear, adhesion and damage. The second part presents many mathematical models of practical interest and demonstrates the close interaction and cross-fertilization between contact mechanics and the theory of...
The mathematical theory of contact mechanics is a growing field in engineering and scientific computing. This book is intended as a unified and readil...
Meir Shillor, Mircea Sofonea, Józef Joachim Telega
The mathematical theory of contact mechanics is a growing field in engineering and scientific computing. This book is intended as a unified and readily accessible source for mathematicians, applied mathematicians, mechanicians, engineers and scientists, as well as advanced students. The first part describes models of the processes involved like friction, heat generation and thermal effects, wear, adhesion and damage. The second part presents many mathematical models of practical interest and demonstrates the close interaction and cross-fertilization between contact mechanics and the theory of...
The mathematical theory of contact mechanics is a growing field in engineering and scientific computing. This book is intended as a unified and readil...