The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the most important international organizations in existence today. It contains a set of disciplines that affect the ability of governments to impose trade restrictions, and has helped to support the steady expansion of international trade since the 1950s. It is a unique organization in providing a framework for member states to make binding policy commitments that are enforced through a unique dispute settlement system and a variety of transparency mechanisms.
Despite or because of its success, the WTO has recently become the focus of...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the most important international organizations in existence today. It contains a set of disciplines th...
This book, published in 2005, is the second annual report of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. The project undertakes yearly analysis of the case law from the adjudicating bodies of the WTO. The Reporters' Studies for 2002 cover a wide range of WTO law ranging from classic trade in goods issues to intellectual property protection. Each case is jointly evaluated by well-known experts in trade law and international economics. The reporters critically review the jurisprudence of WTO adjudicating bodies and evaluate whether the ruling 'makes sense' from an...
This book, published in 2005, is the second annual report of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. The project und...
This book is the third annual report of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. The project undertakes yearly analysis of the case law from the adjudicating bodies of the WTO. The Reporters' Studies for 2003 cover a wide range of WTO law. Each case is jointly evaluated by well-known experts in trade law and international economics. The reporters critically review the jurisprudence of WTO adjudicating bodies and evaluate whether the ruling 'makes sense' from an economic as well as legal point of view, and if not, whether the problem lies in the interpretation...
This book is the third annual report of the American Law Institute (ALI) project on World Trade Organization Law. The project undertakes yearly analys...
Mitsuo Matsushita Thomas J. Schoenbaum Petros C. Mavroidis
The WTO is one of the most important intergovernmental organizations in the world, yet the way in which it functions as an organization and the scope of its authority and power are still poorly understood. This comprehensively revised new edition of the acclaimed work by an outstanding team of WTO law specialists provides a complete overview of the law and practice of the WTO.
The authors begin with the institutional law of the WTO (such as the sources of law and remedies of the dispute settlement system), then tackle the principal substantive obligations of the WTO regime (including...
The WTO is one of the most important intergovernmental organizations in the world, yet the way in which it functions as an organization and the scope ...
In this incisive book, Petros C. Mavroidis examines the complex practice of interpreting the various sources of World Trade Organization (WTO) law. Written by a leading expert in WTO scholarship, the book serves as a broad grounding in the legal theory of the WTO contract and its sources, as well as its application in practice. Delving into the workings of the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties (VCLT) and its use within the WTO courts, the author provides a critical assessment of the interpretation of the WTO contract and illuminates the role of WTO adjudicators and the Secretariat...
In this incisive book, Petros C. Mavroidis examines the complex practice of interpreting the various sources of World Trade Organization (WTO) law. Wr...