In 1968, Suzuki Seijun-a low-budget genre filmmaker known for movies including Branded to Kill, Tokyo Drifter, and Youth of the Beast-was unceremoniously fired by Nikkatsu Studios. Soon to be known as the "Suzuki Seijun Incident," his dismissal became a cause for leftist student protestors and a burgeoning group of cinephiles to rally around. His films rapidly emerged as central to debates over politics and aesthetics in Japanese cinema. William Carroll offers a new account of Suzuki's career that highlights the intersections of film theory, film production, cinephile culture, and politics...
In 1968, Suzuki Seijun-a low-budget genre filmmaker known for movies including Branded to Kill, Tokyo Drifter, and Youth of the Beast-was unceremoniou...
In 1968, Suzuki Seijun-a low-budget genre filmmaker known for movies including Branded to Kill, Tokyo Drifter, and Youth of the Beast-was unceremoniously fired by Nikkatsu Studios. Soon to be known as the "Suzuki Seijun Incident," his dismissal became a cause for leftist student protestors and a burgeoning group of cinephiles to rally around. His films rapidly emerged as central to debates over politics and aesthetics in Japanese cinema. William Carroll offers a new account of Suzuki's career that highlights the intersections of film theory, film production, cinephile culture, and politics...
In 1968, Suzuki Seijun-a low-budget genre filmmaker known for movies including Branded to Kill, Tokyo Drifter, and Youth of the Beast-was unceremoniou...