Sylvia Ashton-Warner, novelist and educationist, was extraordinarily famous in the 1960s. She maintained that young children best learn to read and write when they produce their own vocabulary, especially sex words - like 'kiss', and fear words - like 'ghost'. Educators lauded her. Her autobiographical novels about teaching in remote schools, and being culturally abandoned in a remote country, New Zealand, attained enormous international popularity in both literary and educational circles. But she had an intensely ambivalent relationship with the land of her birth. Despite receiving many...
Sylvia Ashton-Warner, novelist and educationist, was extraordinarily famous in the 1960s. She maintained that young children best learn to read and wr...
The growth in prominence of the law of restitution and European Community law has resulted in the creation of a body of case law, which is contained within this work. This book examines the Community rules that affect restitutionary claims commenced in the English courts.
This book considers the affect that EC rules may have on the development of specific areas of the English law of restitution, it sets out the circumstances in which the development of English rules governing restitutionary claims might be affected by the requirements of Community law, and examines in detail the...
The growth in prominence of the law of restitution and European Community law has resulted in the creation of a body of case law, which is containe...
Life-changing stuff from the Bramley Iron Mums: inspirational stories from ordinary women, insights into why women run (and why they don't), tips and training plans, tools for reflection and planning. For any woman who wants to run her life but doesn't know where to start. From the introduction: 'We want this book to change things. We want to change the way you feel about yourself, and about life. Ideally, we want you to get only a few pages into this book before casting it aside, pulling on your trainers, and heading out the door for a run. Many books aiming to inspire are big on grandiose,...
Life-changing stuff from the Bramley Iron Mums: inspirational stories from ordinary women, insights into why women run (and why they don't), tips and ...