Mario I. Blejer Teresa Ter-Minassian Mario I. Blejer
This second volume of essays in honour of Vito Tanzi focuses on the importance of fiscal policy on the wholesale economic reforms that are sweeping the advanced, less developed and formally communist countries. Issues analyzed include the role of fiscal and budgetary policies in the process of reform, the impact of privatization on the exchequer and the dilemmas for social policy in times of fiscal austerity. Also considered is the economic paradox of post-socialism and post-dirigisme, namely that an efficient and harmonic move to a decontrolled, liberal market economy involves active state...
This second volume of essays in honour of Vito Tanzi focuses on the importance of fiscal policy on the wholesale economic reforms that are sweeping th...
The growing interest in intergovernmental fiscal relations has been in line with a growing world-wide trend towards fiscal decentralization. This book presents a series of essays on the principal theoretical and institutional aspects of intergovernmental fiscal relations.
The growing interest in intergovernmental fiscal relations has been in line with a growing world-wide trend towards fiscal decentralization. This book...