Most books concerned with physics and music take an approach that puts physical theory before application. Consequently, these works tend to dampen aesthetic fascination with preludes burdened by an overabundance of algebraic formulae. In Measured Tones: The Interplay of Physics and Music Third Edition, Ian Johnston a professor of astrophysics and a connoisseur of music, offers an informal historical approach that shows the evolution of both theory and application at the intersection of physics and music. Exceptionally accessible, insightful, and now updated to consider...
Most books concerned with physics and music take an approach that puts physical theory before application. Consequently, these works tend to dampen...
"The Mozi" is one of the small number of key texts surviving from the first flowering of Chinese philosophy during the Warring States period (403-221 BC). In structure, "The Mozi" comprises five distinct parts. Part I, the Epitomes, contains seven short essays on elements of Mohist doctrine. Part II, the 'Core Doctrines', contains twenty-four chapters: twenty-three from the presumed thirty original chapters, arranged as ten triads, which set out the ten central doctrines of Mo Zi's ethical, social and political philosophy, and one of the two presumed chapters articulating Mo Zi's opposition...
"The Mozi" is one of the small number of key texts surviving from the first flowering of Chinese philosophy during the Warring States period (403-221 ...