Set after World War II, this delightful farce is about what happens when a boys' school receives the news that they are to billet another school which is all female. Events are complicated by the arrival of the parents. Each headmaster/mistress tries to conceal the fact that his/her school is now coed. Eventually, the parents learn the truth and are about to remove their children when news arrives that a third school is to be amalgamated into theirs. They all join together to keep out these intruders. This delightful, whimsical show...
Farce / Characters: 7 male, 6 female
Scenery: Interior
Set after World War II, this delightful farce is about what happens when a boys' school rec...
This new edition of Fungi in Ecosystem Processes continues the unique approach of examining the roles of fungi from the perspective of ecosystem functions. It explores how fungi have adapted to survive within particular constraints, how they help to maintain homeostasis in ecosystems, how they facilitate resistance to perturbations, and how they influence the communities of other organisms.
Updated and revised, the second edition
Expands the section on plant pathogens, invasive species, and insect fungal interactions
Provides more extensive...
This new edition of Fungi in Ecosystem Processes continues the unique approach of examining the roles of fungi from the perspective of eco...