Poslední zcela zásadní dílo Samuela Becketta, které se dosud neobjevilo v českém překladu. Tso je druhý Beckettův román (po Murphym), který byl napsán na konci války, ale vyšel v angličtině poprvé v Paříži roku 1953. Podobně jako Murphy je mnohavrstevným portrétem člověka, který sám je ztělesněním mnoha myšlenek a názorů, vyjadřujícím svébytnou filozofii o lidských možnostech v moderní době, ale zároveň je naprosto skvělým dílem humoristickým. Tso patří k Beckettovým nejčtivějším a nejopěvovanějším románům.
Poslední zcela zásadní dílo Samuela Becketta, které se dosud neobjevilo v českém překladu. Tso je druhý Beckettův román (po Murphym), kte...
'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For Godot" at the Theatre de Babylone, in 1953. Anybody acquinted with Beckett's masterly black comedy would not question the recognition of this twentieth-century literature classic.
'Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful.' This line was adopted by Jean Anouilh, to characterize the first production of "Waiting For ...
'Molloy' is Samuel Beckett's best-known novel, and his first published work to be written in French. It brings a world into existence with finicking certainties, at the tip of whoever is holding the pencil, and trades larger uncertainties with the reader.
'Molloy' is Samuel Beckett's best-known novel, and his first published work to be written in French. It brings a world into existence with finicking c...
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection describes a lifetime's arc of writing.
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection...
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, 'How It Is' is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell of a narrator lying in the dark, in the mud, repeating his life as he hears it uttered - or remembered - by another voice.
Published in French in 1961, and in English in 1964, 'How It Is' is a novel in three parts, written in short paragraphs, which tell of a narrator lyin...
Krapp's "Last Tape" was first performed by Patrick Magee at the Royal Court Theatre in October 1958. This volume brings together Krapp's "Last Tape" and Beckett's other shorter works or 'dramaticules' written for the stage. It is arranged in chronological order of composition.
Krapp's "Last Tape" was first performed by Patrick Magee at the Royal Court Theatre in October 1958. This volume brings together Krapp's "Last Tape" a...
Beckett was one of the greatest and most influential literary figures of this century, and 'Waiting for Godot', now regarded as a classic of 20th-century European literature, is part of the standard repertoire in theatres around the world."
Beckett was one of the greatest and most influential literary figures of this century, and 'Waiting for Godot', now regarded as a classic of 20th-cent...
Fiction. "More Pricks Than Kicks", Beckett's early tragicomic masterpiece, is a collection of stories about Belacqua, a student in Dublin in the twenties, his adventures, encounters and amours, that through its original style and wry commentary succeeds in turning everyday incidents into high drama and lets us see street and university life through the observant and caustic wit of the author. Highly enjoyable to read, it delights in exuberant language and the pleasure of discovery, very typical of the young writer who in the post-war years was to astonish the world with Waiting for Godot and...
Fiction. "More Pricks Than Kicks", Beckett's early tragicomic masterpiece, is a collection of stories about Belacqua, a student in Dublin in the twent...
These four stories or 'novellas' date from 1945, though all were published much later, in French & subsequently in English. All make use of a first-person narrator, & relish its vagaries - the inability to remember facts, the uncertainty as to why he is speaking in the first place, the loss of heart when explanations seem called for.
These four stories or 'novellas' date from 1945, though all were published much later, in French & subsequently in English. All make use of a first-pe...