Exploring one of the hottest topics in humanities at the moment – diaspora – this controversial volume challenges prominent theoretical frameworks of Paul Gilroy to redefine and expand ideas of Black Atlantic.
Exploring one of the hottest topics in humanities at the moment – diaspora – this controversial volume challenges prominent theoretical frame...
This volume defines versions of the transnational in their historical and cultural specificity. By "locating," the contributors contextualize historical and contemporary understandings of the fluid term "transnational," which vary in relation to the disciplines involved. This kind of historical and geographical "locating" implicitly turns against forms of contemporary transnational euphoria which, inspired by poststructural models of all-encompassing semiospheres, on the one hand, and by visions of the utopian communicative potential of new media like the internet, on the other, see...
This volume defines versions of the transnational in their historical and cultural specificity. By "locating," the contributors contextualize histo...