Papers based on training course lectures at different annual meetings of the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP), held during the five-year period 1993-1997, examine desert margins and their temporal changes in the last 135,000 yea...
Papers based on training course lectures at different annual meetings of the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP), held during the five...
This book originated from a proposal by one author (J. R. H.) who was subsequently joined by a second (E. D.) and then by a third (K. J. G.). It has taken longer to produce than we expected because of the complications imposed by the distances which the authors have succeeded in putting between themselves during the past three years. The basic objective was to produce a short book which would introduce geomorphological processes to students in the first or second year of their higher education courses. We believed that there was a need for such a book reviewing a range of geomorphological...
This book originated from a proposal by one author (J. R. H.) who was subsequently joined by a second (E. D.) and then by a third (K. J. G.). It has t...
This book introduces geomorphological processes to higher education students and focuses on the nature of processes and upon their controls. It deals with the chronology of landscapes in the past and with applications of knowledge gained as a basis for understanding future tendencies of processes.
This book introduces geomorphological processes to higher education students and focuses on the nature of processes and upon their controls. It deals ...