Based on the latest research in the fields of management and investing, Millennium Stocks helps you build a stock portfolio that can exceed the return of most mutual funds, adjusted for risk. It presents a formula - developed by the author - that assists you in choosing great companies with a solid future. The author identifies the key criteria for stock selection and develops a table you can use to build a long-term, diversified portfolio with the desired risk-return profile. He also provides a list of 100 millennium stocks that exemplify the criteria and serve as excellent initial...
Based on the latest research in the fields of management and investing, Millennium Stocks helps you build a stock portfolio that can exceed the return...
Dorf s Introduction to Electric Circuits, Global Edition, is designed for a one- to -three term course in electric circuits or linear circuit analysis. The book endeavors to help students who are being exposed to electric circuits for the first time and prepares them to solve realistic problems involving these circuits. Abundant design examples, design problems, and the How Can We Check feature illustrate the text s focus on design. The Global Edition continues the expanded use of problem-solving software such as PSpice and MATLAB.
Dorf s Introduction to Electric Circuits, Global Edition, is designed for a one- to -three term course in electric circuits or linear circuit analys...