Traditional Chinese medicine commonly prescribes herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Shengmai San, a famous Chinese medicinal formula that has been used for more than eight hundred years in China, is comprised of Radix Ginseng, Fructus Schisandre and Radix Ophiopogonis. Traditionally, Shengmai San is used for the treatment of excessive loss of essence Qi and body fluid that threaten heart failure, particularly in the summer when heat exhaustion and profuse sweating commonly occur. This book provides a comprehensive treatise on the historical, phytochemical,...
Traditional Chinese medicine commonly prescribes herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Shengmai San, a famous Chinese medicina...
Traditional Chinese medicine commonly prescribes herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Shengmai San, a famous Chinese medicinal formula that has been used for more than eight hundred years in China, is comprised of Radix Ginseng, Fructus Schisandre and Radix Ophiopogonis. Traditionally, Shengmai San is used for the treatment of excessive loss of essence Qi and body fluid that threaten heart failure, particularly in the summer when heat exhaustion and profuse sweating commonly occur. This book provides a comprehensive treatise on the historical, phytochemical,...
Traditional Chinese medicine commonly prescribes herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Shengmai San, a famous Chinese medicina...