Thomas Hoccleve's Series (1419-21) tells the story of its own making. The Making of Thomas Hoccleve's Series analyzes this story and considers what it might contribute to the larger story about book production in the fifteenth century. Focusing on four surviving manuscripts made by Hoccleve himself between 1422 and 1426, the first four chapters explore the making of the Series in context. They examine the importance of audience judgment in the selection and juxtaposition of forms, the extent to which the physical flexibility of books could serve the needs of their owners and their makers, the...
Thomas Hoccleve's Series (1419-21) tells the story of its own making. The Making of Thomas Hoccleve's Series analyzes this story and considers what it...
Building pathology provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of defects and performance in order to develop appropriate remedial and management solutions. It considers how the structure and materials of a building relate to its environment, its occupants and the way the building is used, so as to develop a better understanding of building failures.
This book provides a well illustrated introduction to the discipline of building pathology, bridging the gap between current approaches to the surveying of buildings and the detailed study of defect diagnosis, prognosis and...
Building pathology provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of defects and performance in order to develop appropriate remedial and managem...