This is a guide to paradoxes that have taxed thinkers from Zeno to Galileo and Lewis Carroll to Bertrand Russell. Michael Clark uncovers an array of conundrums, such as Achilles and the Tortoise and Hempel's Raven. Paradoxes from A to Z, Third edition is an ideal starting point for those interested not just in philosophical puzzles and conundrums, but anyone seeking to hone their thinking skills.
This is a guide to paradoxes that have taxed thinkers from Zeno to Galileo and Lewis Carroll to Bertrand Russell. Michael Clark uncovers an array of c...
Abraham P. Francis, Venkat Pulla, Michael Clark, Ilango Ponnuswami, E. Sisana Mariscal
This book is about 'strengths-based practice' in social work. Strengths based practice refers to the identification of 'strengths' within an individual, family, or community, which are then employed to aid in promoting self-fulfilment and healing in a client. Strengths-based practice is a deliberate shift away from language and practices based on a client's deficits or pathology--- a widespread approach that has dominated many fields within social science for some time--- to one that focuses on the client's strengths. This premise is not a new idea as it has existed in the writings and...
This book is about 'strengths-based practice' in social work. Strengths based practice refers to the identification of 'strengths' within an individua...
Paradoxes from A to Z, Third edition is the essential guide to paradoxes, and takes the reader on a lively tour of puzzles that have taxed thinkers from Zeno to Galileo, and Lewis Carroll to Bertrand Russell. Michael Clark uncovers an array of conundrums, such as Achilles and the Tortoise, Theseus Ship, and the Prisoner s Dilemma, taking in subjects as diverse as knowledge, science, art and politics. Clark discusses each paradox in non-technical terms, considering its significance and looking at likely solutions.
This third edition is revised throughout, and adds...
Paradoxes from A to Z, Third edition is the essential guide to paradoxes, and takes the reader on a lively tour of puzzles that have taxed...