Dvojjazyčné komentované vydání jednoho z nejproslulejšíchděl 20. století. Protagonista Meursault,náhodný vrah, je odsouzen k smrti, protoženechce přijmout roli ve společenských hrách (neplakalnapříklad na matčině pohřbu). Cizinecbez jediného náznaku hrdinského chování souhlasís tím, že zemře pro pravdu, aniž by ji těmdruhým vnucoval. Skutečnost kolem sebe přijímá,ale nehodnotí, odmítá ji vykoupit jakoukoli transcendencí.Je ve světě cizincem, neúčastným divákem.Albert Camus (1913-1960), francouzský spisovatela filozof názorově spjatý s...
Dvojjazyčné komentované vydání jednoho z nejproslulejšíchděl 20. století. Protagonista Meursault,náhodný vrah, je odsouzen k smrti, protož...
L'Etranger has the force and fascination of myth. The outwardly simple narrative of an office clerk who kills an Arab, 'a cause du soleil', and finds himself condemned to death for moral insensibility becomes, in Camus's hands, a powerful image of modern man's impatience before Christian philosophy and conventional social and sexual values. For this new edition Ray Davison makes use of recent critical analysis of L'Etranger to give a full and concise description of Camus's early philosophy of the Absurd and the ideas and preoccupations from which the novel emerges....
L'Etranger has the force and fascination of myth. The outwardly simple narrative of an office clerk who kills an Arab, 'a cause du soleil'...
'It was the discovery of the essays celebrating his childhood and youth that altered my perception of Camus, from a thinker to a writer whose intellectual lucidity was a product of the wealth - the sensual immediacy and clarity - that had been heaped on his senses' Geoff Dyer Albert Camus was born in a 'world of poverty and sunshine' in Algeria, which would infuse all of his work. This new collection brings together three volumes of Camus' most intimate autobiographical writings for the first time. The Wrong Side and the Right Side, his first book, describes his family and his early years...
'It was the discovery of the essays celebrating his childhood and youth that altered my perception of Camus, from a thinker to a writer whose intellec...