Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) received his PhD in English literature from Cambridge University and taught in the United States and Canada. He is best known, however, as the founding father of media studies. McLuhan was Director of the Center for Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto. Among his ground-breaking works on the psychic and social dimensions of communication technology are The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962); Understanding Media: the Extensions of Man (1964); and The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects...
Herbert Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) received his PhD in English literature from Cambridge University and taught in the United States and Canada. He i...
Moos contrasts McLuhan's thoughts with those of such thinkers as Ronald Barthes, Frederic Jameson, Friedrich Kittler, Donna Haraway and Deleuze and Guattari.
Moos contrasts McLuhan's thoughts with those of such thinkers as Ronald Barthes, Frederic Jameson, Friedrich Kittler, Donna Haraway and Deleuze and Gu...
Extending the visionary early work of the late Marshall McLuhan, The Global Village, one of his last collaborative efforts, applies that vision to today's worldwide, integrated electronic network. When McLuhan's groundbreaking Understanding Media was published in 1964, the media as we know it today did not exist. But McLuhan's argument, that the technological extensions of human consciousness were racing ahead of our ability to understand their consequences, has never been more compelling. And if the medium is the message, as McLuhan maintained, then the message is becoming almost impossible...
Extending the visionary early work of the late Marshall McLuhan, The Global Village, one of his last collaborative efforts, applies that vision to tod...
When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases "global village" and "the medium is the message" in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's information-dependent planet. No-one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media was written twenty years before the PC revolution and thirty years before the rise of the Internet. Yet McLuhan's insights into our engagement with a variety of media led to a complete rethinking of our entire society. He believed that the message of electronic media foretold the end of humanity as it was...
When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases "global village" and "the medium is the message" in 1964, no-one could have predicted today's informati...
The Gutenberg Galaxy catapulted Marshall McLuhan to fame as a media theorist and, in time, a new media prognosticator. Fifty years after its initial publication, this landmark text is more significant than ever before.
Readers will be amazed by McLuhan's prescience, unmatched by anyone since, predicting as he did the dramatic technological innovations that have fundamentally changed how we communicate. The Gutenberg Galaxy foresaw the networked, compressed 'global village' that would emerge in the late-twentieth and twenty-first centuries -- despite having been...
The Gutenberg Galaxy catapulted Marshall McLuhan to fame as a media theorist and, in time, a new media prognosticator. Fifty years after i...
Hungaristka a překladatelka Simona Kolmanová přibližuje českému čtenáři na základě překladů tři významné osobnosti maďarské literatury 19. století – Mihálye Vörösmartyho, Jánose Aranye a Sándora Petöfiho. Ačkoli byla z maďarské poezie daného období přeložena do češtiny tvorba pouze těchto autorů, lze říci, že tito básníci představují dostatečně reprezentativní výběr. Zároveň však pokrývají značně široké spektrum tvorby, na němž lze ukázat nejen vývoj a rysy maďarské literatury, ale také přiblížit obecnější problematiku...
Hungaristka a překladatelka Simona Kolmanová přibližuje českému čtenáři na základě překladů tři významné osobnosti maďarské literatu...
Originally written in the late 1970s, this book was untouched for more than 35 years. McLuhan passed away before it went to press, but Logan always intended to finish it. Even though much has changed in the three decades since work on the project was halted, many of the points that McLuhan and Logan made in the era of 'electric media' are highly cogent in the era of 'digital media.' Looking at the future of the library from the perspective of McLuhan's original vision, Logan has carefully updated the text to address the impact of the Internet and other digital technologies on the library....
Originally written in the late 1970s, this book was untouched for more than 35 years. McLuhan passed away before it went to press, but Logan always in...