Rosalind Fergusson's 'Rhyming Dictionary' is a useful aid for rhymesters everywhere. It contains a full and alphabetical index with phonetically-based rhymes, spelling-based rhymes and clear explanations of unusual words.
Rosalind Fergusson's 'Rhyming Dictionary' is a useful aid for rhymesters everywhere. It contains a full and alphabetical index with phonetically-based...
The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs is a reference book in which the word proverb is interpreted as a statement or maxim that contains advice (e.g. many hand make light work), a belief (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), or a general observation of some aspect of life or nature (absence makes the heart grow fonder). The dictionary contains approximately 6000 proverbs arranged under such thematic headings such as absence, beauty, caution, knowledge, love and weather. Some proverbs will be listed under more than one heading. Within each thematic category, proverbs will be arranged in groups...
The Penguin Dictionary of Proverbs is a reference book in which the word proverb is interpreted as a statement or maxim that contains advice (e.g. man...
Arranged in an easy-to-use A-Z form, this thesaurus offers a wide selection of synonyms for a whole host of words, ranging from the everyday to the comparatively esoteric and from standard vocabulary to contemporary slang and jargon (e-tailer, chill out). Each entry is simple to follow, and where a word has several different senses, these are clearly indicated and explained.
Arranged in an easy-to-use A-Z form, this thesaurus offers a wide selection of synonyms for a whole host of words, ranging from the everyday to the co...