This invaluable reference book was originally written as an aid for those disadvantaged by the deteriorating standing of Latin in our education system and by its use as legal terminology. Professional and comprehensive, yet lighthearted, it is immensely readable and has assumed a readership far beyond the lawyers for whom it was primarily designed to assist.
This invaluable reference book was originally written as an aid for those disadvantaged by the deteriorating standing of Latin in our education system...
In the midst of the current financial crisis, John Gray revisits his polemic against the forces of global capitalism and deregulation. In a substantial new chapter he considers how the economic landscape has shifted in the last decade and asks the question: where do we go from here?
In the midst of the current financial crisis, John Gray revisits his polemic against the forces of global capitalism and deregulation. In a substantia...
By the author of the best-selling Straw Dogs, this book is a characteristically trenchant and unflinchingly clear-sighted collection of reflections on our contemporary lot. Whether writing about the future of our species on this planet, the folly of our faith in technological progress, or the self-deceptions of the liberal establishment, John Gray dares to be heretical like few other thinkers today.
By the author of the best-selling Straw Dogs, this book is a characteristically trenchant and unflinchingly clear-sighted collection of reflections on...
John Gray draws on an extraordinary array of memoirs, poems, fiction and philosophy to make us re-imagine our place in the world. 'The Silence of Animals' is filled with unforgettable images and a delight in the conundrum of our existence - an existence which we decorate with countless myths and ideas, where we twist and turn to avoid acknowledging that we too are animals, separated from the others perhaps only by our self-conceit.
John Gray draws on an extraordinary array of memoirs, poems, fiction and philosophy to make us re-imagine our place in the world. 'The Silence of Anim...
Déšť chmuří duši. Vydal už rok své nejlepší? / Léto sceluje jizvy, do uzlů svazuje v přehršlích / vlasy… Jen mezi námi je otevřeno. / My jako oblaka jsme se setkali. Sjeďme jak blesky, / co třasy a křečemi svá mlna přestály.
Sbírku Z lemu snu (Traumsaum), kterou lze číst mimo jiné jako hutný milostný příběh, napsal jeden z nejlepších současných německých básníků Richard Pietrass coby hostující městský kronikář na zámku Rheinsberg v roce 2008. V Edici Revolver Revue vychází její česko-německé vydání, s českým překladem Věry...
Déšť chmuří duši. Vydal už rok své nejlepší? / Léto sceluje jizvy, do uzlů svazuje v přehršlích / vlasy… Jen mezi námi je otevřeno....
Otázka smrti stála odedávna ve středu lidského zájmu. Ve své knize předkládá filozof John Gray brilantní, byť poněkud děsivý popis snahy dosáhnout nesmrtelnosti pomocí vědy a pokládá zásadní otázku, zda a jak takové úsilí ohrožuje samotnou podstatu člověka. Při svých úvahách vychází ze dvou naprosto odlišných příkladů. Nejdříve sleduje víru rozšířenou mezi britskou intelektuální a politickou elitou přelomu století, že po smrti existuje život, do něhož lze nahlédnout prostřednictvím spiritistických médií a automatického psaní....
Otázka smrti stála odedávna ve středu lidského zájmu. Ve své knize předkládá filozof John Gray brilantní, byť poněkud děsivý popis snah...
Píseň o Abendlandu v próze. Uhrančivý text, chvála civilizace Západu a jejího vrcholu, křesťanského středověku. Kniha myšlení, které snese jediné srovnáni v esejistice Josefa Šafaříka a odvaze a rytmu Luise Ferdinanda Célina.
Píseň o Abendlandu v próze. Uhrančivý text, chvála civilizace Západu a jejího vrcholu, křesťanského středověku. Kniha myšlení, které s...
This volume brings together J.S. Mills On Liberty and a selection of important essays by such eminent scholars as Isaiah Berlin, Alan Ryan, John Rees, C.L. Ten and Richard Wollheim. As well as providing authoritative commentary upon On Liberty, the essays reflect a broader debate about the philosophical foundations of Mill's liberalism, particularly the question of the connection betweenMill's professed utilitarianism and his commitment to individual liberty. Introduced and edited by John Gray and G.W. Smith, the book will be of interest to students of Mill, to ethical and...
This volume brings together J.S. Mills On Liberty and a selection of important essays by such eminent scholars as Isaiah Berlin, Alan Ryan, J...
We flatter ourselves about the nature of free will and yet the most enormous forces - biological, physical, metaphysical - constrain our every action. This title draws together the religious, philosophic and fantastical traditions that question the very idea of human freedom.
We flatter ourselves about the nature of free will and yet the most enormous forces - biological, physical, metaphysical - constrain our every action....
John Gray is the bestselling author of such books as Straw Dogs and Al Qaeda and What it Means to be Modern whichbrought a mainstream readership to a man who was already one of the UK's most well respected thinkers and political theorists.
Gray wrote Enlightenment’s Wake in 1995 – six years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and six years before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Turning his back on neoliberalism at exactly the moment that its advocates were in their pomp, trumpeting 'the end of history' and the supposedly...
John Gray is the bestselling author of such books as Straw Dogs and Al Qaeda and What it Means to be Modern whichbrough...