Stanford mathematician and NPR Math Guy Keith Devlin explains why, fun aside, video games are the ideal medium to teach middle-school math. Aimed primarily at teachers and education researchers, but also of interest to game developers who want to produce videogames for mathematics education, Mathematics Education for a New Era: Video Games as a Medium for Learning describes exactly what is involved in designing and producing successful math educational videogames that foster the innovative mathematical thinking skills necessary for success in a global economy.
Stanford mathematician and NPR Math Guy Keith Devlin explains why, fun aside, video games are the ideal medium to teach middle-school math. Aimed p...
Prvotina Tomáše Klášterského. Autor publikoval v Revue Weles, více než tištěnou formou však svoji tvorbu doposud prezentuje na četných autorských čteních.
Prvotina Tomáše Klášterského. Autor publikoval v Revue Weles, více než tištěnou formou však svoji tvorbu doposud prezentuje na četných aut...