This language study's primary purpose is to use aphasic performance to understand language, rather than to use linguistic analysis to understand aphasia. Examining the detailed nature of linguistic performance of bilingual aphasics in a variety of natural and metalinguistic tasks, the book reports the results of a study of morphology and syntax among Spanish-English bilingual and monolingual hispanophones in Puerto Rico.
This language study's primary purpose is to use aphasic performance to understand language, rather than to use linguistic analysis to understand aphas...
This language study's primary purpose is to use aphasic performance to understand language, rather than to use linguistic analysis to understand aphasia. Examining the detailed nature of linguistic performance of bilingual aphasics in a variety of "natural" and metalinguistic tasks, the book reports the results of a study of morphology and syntax among Spanish-English bilingual and monolingual hispanophones in Puerto Rico.
This language study's primary purpose is to use aphasic performance to understand language, rather than to use linguistic analysis to understand aphas...