The importance of glacial deposits is continually increasing, not only for pure scientists, but also for applied geologists. In many parts of Europe, as well as North America, these deposits provide major sand and gravel reserves, groundwater reservoirs and the foundation on which houses, roads and bridges are built. They are thus fundamental to many environmental and engineering problems. In this volume forty six authors report on the current state of specialist research on various aspects of glacial deposits. The geographical coverage of their work Norway, Sweden, Denmark, West Germany...
The importance of glacial deposits is continually increasing, not only for pure scientists, but also for applied geologists. In many parts of Europ...
The Wadden Sea area of the North Sea is one which undergoes rapid morphological changes. Under natural conditions, the barrier islands would adjust them-selves to a rising sea level. However, be-cause the islands are densely populated and have an important role as holiday resorts, morphological changes are un-desirable. Coastal engineering counter-measures have been undertaken to pre-vent beach erosion, shifting of tidal in-lets, breaching of dune ridges and land-ward-directed washover. The natural processes and the results of human inter-ference including the negative conse-quences of many...
The Wadden Sea area of the North Sea is one which undergoes rapid morphological changes. Under natural conditions, the barrier islands would adjust th...