Psychology in Perspective is a series of challenging essays addressing controversial themes and debates in psychology, including the impact of the behaviourist movement, concerns about ethical and socially responsible research (such as the human genome project), and issues in social and cognitive psychology. Its synoptic approach will be useful for students trying to bring together the various areas of psychological knowledge; for psychologists looking at broad trends within their discipline; and for the general reader with an interest in psychology as a whole.
Psychology in Perspective is a series of challenging essays addressing controversial themes and debates in psychology, including the impact o...
Research methodology is one of the most important and also one of the most difficult aspects of psychology for many students to grasp. This textbook provides a comprehensive account of both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Research methodology is one of the most important and also one of the most difficult aspects of psychology for many students to grasp. This textbook p...
This is designed to be a clear and readable introduction to social psychology for A-level students, for those studying psychology as a supplement to other applied courses, and for those requiring an overview of the major concerns and issues in this subject.; The book aims to integrate the traditional material, such as conformity, attitudes and prejudice, with some of the more recent insights into social life, such as the study of discourse, relationships, social identity and social representations. This work also incorporates themes and concerns which have emerged in social psychology,...
This is designed to be a clear and readable introduction to social psychology for A-level students, for those studying psychology as a supplement to o...
A comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living Understand Applied Psychology shows how basic psychological processes are relevant to everyday situations and contexts. From education to occupational psychology, this book provides a comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living. It covers 18 different areas of applied psychology, explaining how psychologists work in the community as a whole and how psychology is applied to working life and...
Is this the right book for me?
A comprehensive look at psychology in almost every area of day-to-day living
Understand Psychology" will take you through every aspect of the subject, from child development and social influences to the role of memories and emotions. The clear structure of the book, packed full of practical examples, makes it easy to learn the essentials whether for an exam or just out of personal interest. Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.Author insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the...
Understand Psychology" will take you through every aspect of the subject, from child development and social influences to the role of memories and emo...
This introduction to psychology spans the six central areas of the topic: cognitive psychology; individual and abnormal psychology; social psychology; developmental psychology; and comparative psychology.
This introduction to psychology spans the six central areas of the topic: cognitive psychology; individual and abnormal psychology; social psychology;...