Proceedings of RILEM TC-PRC third conference on this subject. Papers from road authorities, engineers, researchers, contractors and manufacturers discussing the implementation and the long term behaviour of overlay systems. The following topics are covered: prevention and cracking assessment, choice and design of overlay systems, practical implementation, case histories and long term performance.
Proceedings of RILEM TC-PRC third conference on this subject. Papers from road authorities, engineers, researchers, contractors and manufacturers disc...
Crack reflection through a road structure is one of the main causes of premature pavement deterioration. This is a widespread problem in many countries and highway maintenance authorities are having to find economic means of repairing and upgrading their pavements. This book is the eagerly awaited state-of-the-art report which considers all different aspects of the subject including assessment and use of overlay systems.
Crack reflection through a road structure is one of the main causes of premature pavement deterioration. This is a widespread problem in many countrie...