This compact volume of extracts from the 20 volumes of Jung's published writings, presents him clearly, in his own words and in precis. Jung's writing is the key to understanding 20th century psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Most of the terms of reference now used, such as extrovert, collective unconscious, archetype are Jungian.
This compact volume of extracts from the 20 volumes of Jung's published writings, presents him clearly, in his own words and in precis. Jung's writing...
Why does music have such a powerful effect on our minds and bodies? It is the most mysterious and most tangible of all forms of art. Yet, Anthony Storr believes, music today is a deeply significant experience for a greater number of people than ever before. In this book, he explores why this should be so. Drawing on a wide variety of opinions, Storr argues t hat the patterns of music make sense of our inner experience, giving both structure and coherence to our feelings and emotions. It is because music possesses this capacity to restore our sense of personal wholeness in a culture which...
Why does music have such a powerful effect on our minds and bodies? It is the most mysterious and most tangible of all forms of art. Yet, Anthony Stor...
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, developed a totally new way of looking at human nature. Only now, with the hindsight of the half-century since his death, can we assess his true legacy to current thought. As an experienced psychiatrist himself, Anthony Storr offers a lucid and objective look at Freud's major theories, evaluating whether they have stood the test of time, and in the process examines Freud himself in light of his own ideas. An excellent introduction to Freud's work, this book will appeal to all those broadly curious about psychoanalysis, psychology, and sociology....
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, developed a totally new way of looking at human nature. Only now, with the hindsight of the half-century...
Knížka (pro čtenáře od 9 let) je příběhem děvčátka z bavorského městečka v podhůří Alp. Anička mela prodlouženy domov v Praze a vyrůstala tam na babiččiných pohádkách. Pomohly jí od smutku po odchodu tatínka od rodiny, od zklamání a samoty jí měl pomáhat i ostrov andělů, který pro ni babická vymyslela. Pohádky a andělé nestačili, když Aničce umřel nejbližší kamarád. Hledala si nové, bála se zůstat sama. Nacházela jich celé houfy na počítači a Facebooku a obětovala jim všechno - úspěchy v hudbě, veskole, klid v bavorském iprazském...
Knížka (pro čtenáře od 9 let) je příběhem děvčátka z bavorského městečka v podhůří Alp. Anička mela prodlouženy domov v Praze a vyr...
Originally published in 1972, this fully revised edition was published in 1991 and provides a classic study of humanity's capacity for evil. The human species is capable of the most appalling cruelty. Why is this and where does our capacity for such destructiveness come from? In Human Destructiveness, Anthony Storr explores these important questions. In seeking to shed light on such brutal phenomena as genocide, racial conflict and other large-scale manifestations of violence, he cautions against easy extrapolations from individual behaviour to the behaviour of groups and nations, though he...
Originally published in 1972, this fully revised edition was published in 1991 and provides a classic study of humanity's capacity for evil. The human...