How has Herbert Rosenfeld contributed to psychoanalysis today?
Rosenfeld in Retrospect presents original psychoanalytic papers showing the influence of Herbert Rosenfeld on psychoanalysis today, and reproduces some of Rosenfeld's most important clinical writings.
In the first part of this book, The Conference Papers: Contemporary Developments of Rosenfeld's Work, the editor brings together papers and discussions by Rosenfeld's well-known contemporaries, Ronald Britton, Michael Feldman, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Hanna Segal and Riccardo Steiner who explore his...
How has Herbert Rosenfeld contributed to psychoanalysis today?
Rosenfeld in Retrospect presents original psychoanalytic papers show...
Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat examines the themes that surface when considering clinical situations where patients feel stuck and where a failure to develop impedes the progress of analysis.
This book analyses the anxieties and challenges confronted by patients as they begin to emerge from the protection of psychic retreats. Divided into three parts, areas of discussion include:
embarrassment, shame, and humiliation
helplessness, power, and dominance
mourning, melancholia, and the repetition...
Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat examines the themes that surface when considering clinical situations where patient...
Tampered Tales, John Steiner -- "The act of storytelling is a form of sorcery. The teller casts a spell upon their audience in summoning up tales that never happened, yet impact the reader as if they had lived the adventure." --
John Steiner brings you his Tampered Tales of ... Unbelieveable situations that reveal the humanity of extraterrestrials, the alienness of ordinary human beings, foibles and flaws ranging from shocking to hilarious, as brought to the surface by experiences and choices that cast doubt on once firm beliefs and challenge our thinking.
Tampered Tales, John Steiner -- "The act of storytelling is a form of sorcery. The teller casts a spell upon their audience in summoning up tales...
Wanniukaga is the last of his people. No one else carries on his cultural traditions. It was the end of the world for the healer and spiritual leader. He is four hundred years old, and he is not alone. Afflicted by vampirism from those who slaughtered his nation, Wanniukaga is further burdened with the spirits of his people inside his mind. Shattered by hard economic times St. Louis lays atop an older city whose people died out centuries ago, save for Wanniukaga who wanders its urban decay to this day. Locked in a struggle to preserve his peoples traditions and adapt to accelerating change...
Wanniukaga is the last of his people. No one else carries on his cultural traditions. It was the end of the world for the healer and spiritual leader....
Essentially clinical in its approach, Psychic Retreats discusses the problem of patients who are 'stuck' and with whom it is difficult to make meaningful contact. John Steiner, an experienced psychoanalyst, uses new developments in Kleinian theory to explain how this happens.
He examines the way object relationships and defences can be organized into complex structures which lead to a personality and an analysis becoming rigid and stuck, with little opportunity for development or change. These systems of defences are pathological organisations of the personality: John...
Essentially clinical in its approach, Psychic Retreats discusses the problem of patients who are 'stuck' and with whom it is difficult to ...
Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat examines the themes that surface when considering clinical situations where patients feel stuck and where a failure to develop impedes the progress of analysis.
This book analyses the anxieties and challenges confronted by patients as they begin to emerge from the protection of psychic retreats. Divided into three parts, areas of discussion include:
embarrassment, shame, and humiliation
helplessness, power, and dominance
mourning, melancholia, and the repetition compulsion.
As well...
Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat examines the themes that surface when considering clinical situations where patients feel st...
Fire. The light by which we tell our stories and mythic tales. It kept the night at bay for hundreds of thousands of years. It guided humanity's migrations across the globe, and became mankind's first weapon of mass destruction. What if fire developed a mind of its own. ... Firefighting is already a tough job even in 2026. Captain Duane ""Longhand"" Longhurst and probationary firefight Malcolm O'Connell of Salt Lake City's Station 8 discover it's going to get much harder. A phenomenon of particle physics called Self-Propagating Organized Thermotroph or S.P.O.T. emerges to burn whatever they...
Fire. The light by which we tell our stories and mythic tales. It kept the night at bay for hundreds of thousands of years. It guided humanity's migra...
Flipspace: Astraeus Event, Missions 7-9 Shades of Jade The Mockingbird crew is pulled off their training schedule when a distress call from their sister ship, the Magpie reaches Earth from the Kuiper Belt.Survival throws the crew into crisis mode and pushes them all to their limits. Close Encounters For Their Kind Recouping from their losses, and breaking in replacements, Colonel Rama is briefed for a mission that potentially violates exo-solar planetary research treaties. Rediscovered among archives of a telescope considered lost in the prior century, the data includes surface changes on the...
Flipspace: Astraeus Event, Missions 7-9 Shades of Jade The Mockingbird crew is pulled off their training schedule when a distress call from their sist...
Předkládaný text se stal jakýmsi „bestselerem“ psychoanalytické literatury a byl přeložen do řady jazyků. Kniha dokázala přinést nejen nový pohled na teorii a techniku psychoanalytické práce, ale především pochopení pro obtíže, jež zažívají v terapiích pacienti, kteří se spolu se svými terapeuty vydávají na obtížnou cestu k psychické změně. Koncepty obsažené v knize se již staly nedílnou součástí psychoanalytické teorie, která odráží současnou klinickou praxi – práci s lidmi se závažnějšími osobnostními problémy (hraniční...
Předkládaný text se stal jakýmsi „bestselerem“ psychoanalytické literatury a byl přeložen do řady jazyků. Kniha dokázala přinést neje...