An authoritative guide to the new ideas and controversies that are likely to form the basis of gifted education discussion and policy-making around the world during the next decade and beyond.
An authoritative guide to the new ideas and controversies that are likely to form the basis of gifted education discussion and policy-making around...
This book sets out the educational challenges, benefits and possibilities of embracing a truly inclusive approach to gifted and talented education and provides a framework for a school to create its own inclusive policy in this area of need.
Calling on international research, current educational initiatives, and work within the Barrow Education Action Zone (EAZ) and elsewhere, the authors set out to demonstrate that the inclusion and standards agendas can - and should - take with them the growing interest in the educational needs of gifted and talented pupils. The result is...
This book sets out the educational challenges, benefits and possibilities of embracing a truly inclusive approach to gifted and talented education ...