This dictionary contains 6000 main words with subsidiary words and expressions derived from them. All the words and expressions are defined in simple terms, and examples are given of how each word is used in context.
This dictionary contains 6000 main words with subsidiary words and expressions derived from them. All the words and expressions are defined in simple ...
An English-German dictionary of agriculture, which includes definitions, comments and quotations. German translations have been added for headwords and main phrases. The dictionary is intended for students of German, translators and personnel of German, Austrian and Swiss companies based outside those countries, libraries, people planning to go to work in German-speaking countries or to sell into those countries and people interested in reading specialist German texts on this subject.
An English-German dictionary of agriculture, which includes definitions, comments and quotations. German translations have been added for headwords an...
Nazila Ghanea-Hercock Alan Stephens Raphael Walden
Where can religions find sources of legitimacy for human rights? How do, and how should, religious leaders and communities respond to human rights as defined in modern International Law? When religious precepts contradict human rights standards - for example in relation to freedom of expression or in relation to punishments - which should trump the other, and why? Can human rights and religious teachings be interpreted in a manner which brings reconciliation closer? Do the modern concept and system of human rights undermine the very vision of society that religions aim to impart? Is a...
Where can religions find sources of legitimacy for human rights? How do, and how should, religious leaders and communities respond to human rights as ...