Politics in a Religious World examines why US diplomacy often misunderstands, if not ignores, the role of religion in international conflicts.
After the Cold War, it became evident that religion was a key factor in many conflicts, including Bosnia, Rwanda, and Afghanistan. However, the US failed to correctly appreciate this role, for example predicting the failure of the Iranian theocrats in 1979. Today, most of the security and foreign relations challenges faced by the US are infused with religious factors, from its relations with Iran to the Iraq war and jihadist terrorists....
Politics in a Religious World examines why US diplomacy often misunderstands, if not ignores, the role of religion in international conflicts.
Politics in a Religious World examines why US diplomacy often misunderstands, if not ignores, the role of religion in international conflicts.After the Cold War, it became evident that religion was a key factor in many conflicts, including Bosnia, Rwanda, and Afghanistan. However, the US failed to correctly appreciate this role, for example predicting the failure of the Iranian theocrats in 1979. Today, most of the security and foreign relations challenges faced by the US are infused with religious factors, from its relations with Iran to the Iraq war and jihadist terrorists. Religion,...
Politics in a Religious World examines why US diplomacy often misunderstands, if not ignores, the role of religion in international conflicts.After th...