A history of gravity, and a study of its importance and relevance to our lives, as well as its influence on other areas of science.
Physicists will tell you that four forces control the universe. Of these, gravity may the most obvious, but it is also the most mysterious. Newton managed to predict the force of gravity but couldn't explain how it worked at a distance. Einstein picked up on the simple premise that gravity and acceleration are interchangeable to devise his mind-bending general relativity, showing how matter warps space and time. Not only did this explain how gravity...
A history of gravity, and a study of its importance and relevance to our lives, as well as its influence on other areas of science.
Anyone can type a few keywords into a search engine. But that's only the beginning. With Studying Using the Web you can find the right material, check its authenticity, transform it into your own original work and keep up-to-date on essential topics. The book is about how to find the right information, and making the most of it. It shows you how to:
know what to look for
make the best use of search facilities
gather pictures, sounds and more
make use of the human side of the internet
learn how to test information with a trust...
Anyone can type a few keywords into a search engine. But that's only the beginning. With Studying Using the Web you can find the right mat...
An exploration of the terrifying threats to our world that fill today's headlines: from global warming epidemic to the threat of nuclear weapons and the risk posed by the leading edge devices like the Large Hadron Collider. Armageddon Science by Brian Clegg is everything you want to know about potential man-made disaster.
Climate change. Nuclear devastation. Bio-hazards. The Large Hadron Collider. What do these things have in common? They all have the potential to end our world. Every great scientific creation of man is balanced by an equal amount of danger--as there's no...
An exploration of the terrifying threats to our world that fill today's headlines: from global warming epidemic to the threat of nuclear weapons an...
Infinity is a concept that fascinates everyone from a seven-year-old child to a maths professor. An exploration of the most mind-boggling feature of maths and physics, this work examines amazing paradoxes and looks at many features of this fascinating concept.
Infinity is a concept that fascinates everyone from a seven-year-old child to a maths professor. An exploration of the most mind-boggling feature of m...
The perfect companion to any flight a guide to the science on view from your window seat There are few times when science is so immediate as when you're in a plane. Your life is in the hands of the scientists and engineers who enable tons of metal and plastic to hurtle through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour. Inflight Science shows how you stay alive up there but that's only the beginning. Brian Clegg explains the ever changing view, whether it's crop circles or clouds, mountains or river deltas, and describes simple experiments to show how a wing provides lift, or...
The perfect companion to any flight a guide to the science on view from your window seat There are few times when science is so immediate a...
A brand new graphic guide from Brian Clegg, author of the best-selling Inflight Science, Introducing Infinity will teach you all you need to know about this big idea, from mathematicians driven mad by transfinite numbers to the ancient Greeks who drowned the man that discovered an endless number.
A brand new graphic guide from Brian Clegg, author of the best-selling Inflight Science, Introducing Infinity will teach you all you ...
Today's managers are faced with many conflicting demands and situations. This book provides practical ways of achieving the impossible:How can you be a generalist and a specialist?An individual expert and a 'connected' team player?Manage more people with less time and fewer resources and be entrepreneurial at the same time? Complete with its own website, which gives further information and links to other sites. The New Skills Portfolio is a groundbreaking new series, published in association with the Industrial Society, which re-defines the core management skills managers and team leaders...
Today's managers are faced with many conflicting demands and situations. This book provides practical ways of achieving the impossible:How can you be ...