Přední americký politolog, někdejší profesor na Harvardově a na Stanfordské univerzitě, se ve své pečlivě zdokumentované studii zabývá některými jedinečnými rysy politického a společenského života ve Spojených státech: sklonem k moralizování a k teologizaci politiky, nízkou popularitou sociálního státu i u nemajetných vrstev, popularitou levicových názorů u intelektuálů, zejména v univerzitním prostředí, a naopak slabou rezonancí obdobných myšlenek ve veřejném životě, absencí konzervativní strany v evropském slova smyslu apod. Lipset odkazuje...
Přední americký politolog, někdejší profesor na Harvardově a na Stanfordské univerzitě, se ve své pečlivě zdokumentované studii zabývá ...
Why have Americans, who by a clear majority approve of unions, been joining them in smaller numbers than ever before? This book answers that question by comparing the American experience with that of Canada, where approval for unions is significantly lower than in the United States, but where since the mid-1960s workers have joined organized labor to a much greater extent. Given that the two countries are outwardly so similar, what explains this paradox? This book provides a detailed comparative analysis of both countries using, among other things, a detailed survey conducted in the United...
Why have Americans, who by a clear majority approve of unions, been joining them in smaller numbers than ever before? This book answers that question ...
Will American Jews survive their success? Or will the United States' uniquely hospitable environment lead inexorably to their assimilation and loss of cultural identity? This is the conundrum that Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab explore in their wise and learned book about the American Jewish experience.
Jews, perhaps more than any ethnic or religious minority that has immigrated to these shores, have benefited from the country's openness, egalitarianism, and social heterogeneity. This unusually good fit, the authors argue, has as much to do with the exceptionalism of the Jewish people...
Will American Jews survive their success? Or will the United States' uniquely hospitable environment lead inexorably to their assimilation and los...